Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saint Germain: About Change

Now that all the misunderstandings are out of the way, my dear ones are getting the latest channeling about ascension We will call when the dross of non-aligned energies are absent. Today there was a major heart contact made with all who have been acting out the dross parts in your movie. Now we wait and see how they change, or don't. Choice will always be in the world drama, so we cannot coerce anyone to become more caring. When we are able to determine their answer to this latest contact, whether that will be ending current conditions or changing into the dynamics of new beginnings.we will decide on what to do about the next days' concerns.

As soon as the drama about the Mayan calendar clears the lands of man, a new flow of human domination must begin. Will it be ascension and days of darkness OR conscious beings caring about others? Today's efforts to complete the caring change were grand, and much opening has been done. Instead of calling now on the dear ones who are to ascend, we will await another day for more, before we give the call. When the dense ones make their decision between heart or death and destruction, we will close the door on destruction with an ascension. Not today. Keep the faith, it will come—when it will make the most impact. But not before the data has been collected about what has been done today (and the day before) towards closing the door on death and destruction. When we have that data we will again consider the next approach.

May the days of darkness not be the cause of an ascension. All can move to ascension by opening their hearts to delight as they free themselves from mind's disturbances. All humans have the ability to ascend. Now we have an opening to do it with more of you when the time actually comes. Many more are opening their hearts and deleting mind's control. Having a world of awakened awareness is what we've always wanted on our end. With this now a greater possibility, we will ask that things continue in this direction. Face your fears and delve into the dross now, and when ascension time comes we will contact many more who were not ready yesterday.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

Q: Was there a dimensional shift?
A: Yes, the next attempts to control in the same ways will fail.

Q: Will the controllers become defunct:
A: No, but they can be overcome with caring decisions that come from the masses.

Saint Germain: Ascension Expectations (Channeled on December 13, 2012)

When the Call Comes

Great news: the ascension will occur, as no disturbances to the conditions needed are eminent. God is co-creating the decree and the doors are already open. When the day comes, all who are on our committed list will be contacted. Your answer can determine all things from now on.

When the contact is made, the first thing you need do is agree. Next, go outside to an area nearby. Don't make an announcement, go to the light when it appears and you are able to do so. No one need disturb their day or night mode of being, as the door will be open at least 24 hours. You can complete the day, then go out of the enclosed area you are in to get on with ascension.

Which day will it be? I cannot decree this. Maybe on the winter solstice or the day or two after.

All who have decided to ascend are not able. I've given many messages about what will be an ascended master's consciousness. Only those in this consciousness will ascend.

Please do not decide what day, or the door may not be open. You must await contact. Can you get it directly? I've asked you to learn how to be aware enough to get our guidance. If you don't have this ability you will not hear the call.

White light will fill your body and no pain will be felt. Joy will be constant. Once in the dream of day and night you were tested to see if your agreement to ascend came in the dream as a natural "of course." We are now able to claim at least two million who continued onward with the test of leaving. In this test we determined our count. When our dance of converting half of the conscious ones into newly ascended masters was initiated, only a few hundred were open to it. Now we have more than two million able to ascend. Quite doable. Great. Well done. We now need only the call.

The next days need more meditation to guard against darkness interfering. Please give this your most choices.

In wellness we are One.

I Am That I Am,

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

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