ASCENDED MASTERS: Who Are They & What Is Their Purpose?
Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
The Ascended Masters presently serving Earth humans are largely those Souls that lived numerous lives on Planet Earth … successfully completed the Initiatory Process as demonstrated to us by Jesus during his last incarnation on Earth
[i] and by which he achieved ascension to higher levels of consciousness. They are our elder brothers and sisters in whose footsteps we are to follow by graduating from Planet Earth’s Schoolhouse.
In the words of Elizabeth Claire Prophet in her book
CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN: The Path of The Higher Self: “
Those who become Ascended Masters are immediately enlisted in world service as emissaries of the Most High. Whereas before the ascension, they were instruments of the Holy Spirit at outer levels, they now function as His instruments at ‘inner levels,’ using the combined Light momentum of all other Ascended Beings to implement the plan of God—Above and Below. Their ministrations mightily assist their unascended brothers and sisters in finding their divine plan and in humbling themselves before their own Divine Identity.”
Study the Divine Self Chart below. We presently reside in a physical body (bottom of the chart)—the only part of our selves that we can see with our physical eyes. In truth, there is much more to our identity than our physical body. Note the silver cord rising from our crown chakra (top of head) upward to the next two figures—connecting the three into one being—YOU.

The Divine Self Chart as depicted by Elizabeth Claire Prophet
We ascend in consciousness as we increasingly connect through this silver cord with our Higher/Christ Self (2
nd figure) and our indwelling I AM PRESENCE (symbolized by the white circle radiating outward in the top figure). Our I AM PRESENCE is the
spark of God within us. (We are a part of God just like each wave is a part of the ocean.) While we are progressing through Earth’s classrooms, all the good that we do is stored in our Causal Body, represented by the colorful circles of the top figure. This storing of the
good services we perform is what Jesus meant when he instructed us to
store up treasures in heaven. Why? Because all that is stored within our Causal Body is for use when we graduate from Earth’s Schoolhouse … ascend … and become Ascended Masters.
Our treasures in heaven are the talents we have developed and the good that we have performed during numerous lifetimes which we will use to serve others as Ascended Masters. As you read about the Ascended Masters, note the pattern of activities that tends to run throughout their unascended incarnations and continues into their present service as ascended servants of the Divine Plan. Note how Twin Flames work together as Ascended Masters.
Through the Ascended Masters, we can behold our future!
Our earthly pathway to ascension involves utter dedication to completing the mission given to us by Mother-Father God. Working with us on this mission will be our Twin Flame who is most often on a higher dimension. As Earth approaches its ascension in 2012, a steadily increasing number of people are becoming aware of their Twin Flame. Each of the Ascended Masters also achieved ascension with the help of their Twin Flame. We seldom hear this because the truth of Twin Flames has so recently been released into the public domain (late 19
th into the 20
th century).
Ascended Master Jesus and Ascended Lady Master Mary of Magdala (now called Nada) are examples of individuals who worked together on Earth in accomplishing the
mission given them as Twin Flames. Quoting Elizabeth Claire Prophet: “
Through such dedicated lifestreams [humankind has]
been given insight into the nature of the soul, the purpose of life, and the science of being. Once they had completed the task which the Father sent them to do, many of these holy men and women departed this earth plane, ascending into the Presence of God—into the Consciousness of God. They are known as Ascended Masters precisely because through sacred communion and service to Life, based upon the complete surrender of their human identity patterns, their consciousness became one with His prior to their reunion with the God Self [or I AM PRESENCE].
From this level of complete identification with God, these holy ones continue to illumine with an expanding awareness of God’s Mind their brothers and sisters who have not yet graduated from Life’s schoolrooms upon this and other planets. Therefore, in our consideration of consciousness we shall look to these teachers who, while yet maintaining contact with [humankind]
, live and move and have their being in the Great Sea of God’s Consciousness; for they have approximated more of God’s consciousness than all who remain in the unascended state.” [ii]
My goal with this article is to introduce you to some of the best known Ascended Masters presently serving unascended humankind on Earth.
As our elder brothers and sisters, the Ascended Masters unveil our future—we are to become Ascended Masters. This is the next step in our spiritual evolutionary journey back to the Source. They are ever-present with us—to guide our footsteps and to accompany us in fulfilling the
mission we have been given. As you study the Masters, consider that Earth and Its inhabitants are truly immersed in Love radiating from magnificent beings—every minute of every day!
If you do not yet know your
mission, you will at the exact perfect moment for its fulfillment. Meanwhile, be at peace, perform acts of service/kindness, and continue to expand your consciousness through meditation and study.
It is instructive to our own understanding of life to know some of the incarnations of the Ascended Masters prior to their ascension. This knowledge ties life together … gives it deeper meaning, for we are to follow in their footsteps.
I do need to caution readers that this information is available through telepathic communication of those who have worked closely with the Ascended Masters. For this reason, information regarding incarnations of a particular ascended being may vary in accordance with the Intuitive’s ability to communicate telepathically and with his/her own belief system. (Even the best of unascended Intuitives unknowingly block facts that do not match the prevailing belief systems of our planet.) For this reason, I choose to trust those persons who have made a major positive and lasting impact upon the world’s knowledge of Truth, such as A.D.K. Luk, Elizabeth Claire & Mark Prophet, Edgar Cayce, and Charles Fillmore.
Another factor to consider is that Truth is increasingly being revealed—Truth that Planet Earth has not been ready to hear until now. As Jesus taught: “
Nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known.” (Luke 12:2) The Apostle Paul, as an unascended disciple, echoes Jesus’ teaching: “
For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.” (I Corinthians 13:12)
Unascended and Ascended are working together to release much that has heretofore been hidden in preparation for Earth, and all those inhabitants who so choose, to ascend at the close of our present cycle in 2012.

Ascended Master Jesus
Serving on the 6th Ray as World Teacher & Wayshower, Hierarch & Avatar of the Piscean Age.
“The natural plans of God intend the ascension to be the sole destiny of every man.” [iii]
At the time of Jesus’ first known incarnation on Earth, the population of Earth had descended into the material world so completely they had lost their attunement to God, forgotten their divine identity, and begun to experiment in ways that were not a part of the Divine Plan. The Soul of Jesus offered to incarnate as
Adam and in so doing, give Earthlings a jump start on their spiritual evolution journey.

Ascended Lady Master Nada
Lord of the 6th Ray & Member of the Karmic Board
“Love is the full power of creativity.”
Nada, Jesus’ Twin Flame, volunteered to incarnate with him as
Eve. They came to Earth on a mission and innocently listened to the disinformation given to them.
[iv] (Be sure to read this Endnote.) When Adam and Eve realized their mistake, they pleaded for forgiveness. However, the Universal Law
we reap what we sow had been activated, meaning that they would have to learn from their mistake. God did promise Adam that one day he would once again have the opportunity to reveal the Way back to Oneness with the Divine Self.
Adam & Eve’s son Seth became the bloodline through which the Soul of Jesus would reincarnate many times—always attempting to live the perfect life of Love. During his lifetime as
Enoch, he “
walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” As Hermes, or
Thoth, he became deified as Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom.
Melchizedek, the Soul of Jesus was
without father or mother. Melchizedek is thought to be the author of both the biblical book of Job, which tells the story of humankind’s journey to enlightenment – and – the Prodigal Son parable, which relates the son’s journey back to the Father. Melchizedek was not born onto Earth and he did not die. He simply returned to the realms of Spirit.
Joseph, the Soul of Jesus saved the Egyptians and people in the surrounding area from starvation during a seven year famine. Some researchers believe that
Joseph may actually have been Amenhotep IV—the daring religious reformer who insisted on worshipping only one God.
Joseph married Aseneth,
who some identify with Eve—the Soul of Nada, the Twin Flame of Jesus. According to the unfolding Divine Plan for Earth, Twin Flames may periodically incarnate in order to accomplish a mission together.
Joshua, the Soul of Jesus accompanied Moses and the Israelites to the Promised Land. As
Asaph, the Soul of Jesus once more wrote a portion of the Bible. As a leader of Temple worship, Asaph wrote Psalms 50 through 73. As
Jeshua, the Soul of Jesus had a leadership role in the return of the Jews to the Promised Land after exile in Babylon.
Zend, he authored the Zoroastrian bible. According to Edgar Cayce, the Soul of Jesus was involved in writing the majority of the Old Testament—in one incarnation or another. Zoroastrianism bears similarities to the Jewish and Christian religions.
During his life as
Jesus, Nada re-joined him as Mary of Magdala. She played a key role in Jesus’ ministry as leader of the group of wealthy women who traveled with Jesus. Following Jesus’ ministry, Mary of Magdala journeyed to France and Britain, continuing Jesus’ ministry of teaching.
Together, they completed the mission they had originally undertaken as Adam and Eve—to show the Way Back Home.
Very credible research has been done in which Mary of Magdala is identified as the
Beloved Disciple and Author of the Gospel of John. You may read this article at:
This greatly abbreviated history of the Twin Flame Souls of Jesus and Nada makes for fascinating research.
Lady Master Nada is very much involved with the initiation and sponsoring of Twin Flames and the Aquarian Age family. She also assists professionals of all types who are serving the needs of God’s children. Nada serves in Jesus’ Etheric Retreat over Saudi Arabia. She uses her experience as an
attorney and judge on Atlantis as she serves on the Karmic Board.

Ascended Lady Master Mother Mary
Archeia of the 5th Ray
Incarnation of the Divine Mother
Initiator of Souls through the Mother Flame
“I AM not only your Mother but your very personal friend. I ask you to take my hand, to take me to your home, to accept me as your friend—not as a remote deity, an icon, or an object of irreverence, but simply as the handmaid of the Lord. Whose Lord? Your Lord. I AM the servant of the Lord who lives within you. I AM one with whom you can be comfortable. I will sit at your kitchen table and have a cup of tea with you. I will receive whatever offering of food that you prepare; for all is sanctified by love. I will receive whatever is precious to you and take it to my heart and give it back to you with the full consecration of my love.” [vi] ––Mother Mary through Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Painting of Mother Mary by Ruth Hawkins
Ruth is now ascended, the Twin Flame of Paul the Venetian.
Mary is from the Angelic Kingdom—Queen of Angels. Her Twin Flame, Archangel Raphael, remained in the realms of Spirit while Mary incarnated on Earth to be an example of the Divine Woman and an ensoulment of the Mother Ray. She is
one of the archeiai avatars who has experienced directly the veil of human tears.
Mary served in the Temple of Truth during the early days of Atlantis. As a
priestess of the Most High God, she studied the healing arts. During the days of the prophet Samuel, Mary was the
wife of Jesse and the mother of eight sons, in fulfillment of her role on the Mother Ray.
Her final embodiment was as Mary the Mother of Jesus.

The Ascended Master St. Germain
Lord of the 7th Ray
Avatar and Hierarch of the Aquarian Age
“Pierce now the veil in your belief in yourself as mortals.”
“Understand, then, that it is movement to the God Self within that is your salvation in this age.” [ix]
St. Germain is the Master of the Aquarian Age, like Jesus has served as Master of the Piscean Age. In preparation for our ascension, St. Germain revealed the Purple Transmuting Flame to Earth humans as a means of grace and speeding up our spiritual growth process.
70,000 years ago, St. Germain was the
emperor-king of a highly advanced civilization that existed where the Sahara Desert is now located. He possessed the spiritual maturity to ascend at the end of that lifetime, but chose to continue incarnating in order to serve those evolving on Earth—a choice we, too, can make.
On Atlantis, he served as a
priest of the sacred fire (transmuting flame) in Lord Zadkiel’s Temple of Purification. As the Old Testament prophet
Samuel, he anointed King Saul and David, thereby assisting in laying the spiritual foundations of Israel.
His next incarnation was that of
Joseph, husband of Mother Mary and father to Jesus. Joseph returned to spirit during Jesus’ adolescent years. It was then that Joseph of Arimathea, Mary’s uncle, assumed responsibility for Mary and her family.
In the 3rd century as St. Alban, he was the first martyr of England. In the 5th century, he incarnated as the Greek philosopher Proclus. As Merlin the Magician, he tutored King Arthur as a child. Later he assisted King Arthur in framing the Holy Order of the Knights of the Round Table and in establishing the quest for the Holy Grail—the cup that is symbolic of the Christ Consciousness.
Roger Bacon in the 13
th century, he predicted both aircraft and submarines and wrote
Opus Majus—a treatise on physics, chemistry, and mathematics. In the 15
th century, he served as
Christopher Columbus and discovered America
by prophecy rather than by astronomy” (Encyclopedia Britannica).
America—the land in which he dreamed of establishing a nation of freedom for all.
Francis Bacon, he was the son of Queen Elizabeth and the rightful heir to the throne of England. However, the Queen banished him to France. He oversaw the translation of the King James Version of the Bible, wrote the Shakespearean plays, assisted in founding the Masonic Orders and the original Rosicrucian Order.
[x] (See Endnote) He promoted the colonization of the New World and was an officer in the Virginia Company, which sponsored the settlement of Jamestown, England’s first permanent colony in America.
St. Germain ascended on May 1, 1684. Soon thereafter, he was given permission by the Lords of Karma to function on the 3rd dimension as an ascended being, while having the appearance of the unascended. During the 18
th century, he was well known in the courts of Europe as
le Comte de Saint Germain—“The Wonderman of Europe.”
“An ascended master may occupy any number of bodies, i.e. forcefields, simultaneously in order to accomplish his mission on earth.” [xi] He appeared and disappeared throughout the courts of Europe. Voltaire described him in a letter to Frederick II of Prussia as
“a man who never dies and who knows everything.”
St. Germain considers the United States “
a child of my heart” and worked closely with the Founding Fathers while appearing both visible and invisible. In his appearance as a
mysterious old professor, he revealed his design of the American flag “
with a variable field of stars to complement the thirteen stripes—a prophecy of the continual unfoldment of the vast destiny of the new nation…. He broke the deadlock and inspired the early American patriots to sign the Declaration of Independence.” He was present with George Washington during the winter at Valley Forge. St. Germain assisted in writing the Constitution and later anointed George Washington as the first president of America. (As the prophet Samuel, he had anointed the first king of Israel.)
During the 20
th century, St. Germain released knowledge of the Purple Transmuting Flame in order to assist Earth humans in preparing for ascension. As physical fire is used to purify gold, so the Purple Transmuting Flame can be used to purify our lower bodies.
On May 1, 1954, St. Germain and his Twin Flame, Portia, were crowned on the inner planes as
Hierarchs of the Aquarian Age.

Ascended Lady Master Portia – Goddess of Justice
Portia directs an etheric retreat over Ghana.

Ascended Master El Morya
Lord of the 1st Ray
“The will of God is the flawless diamond, it is the shining of the Divine Mind, it is the rushing of the wind of the Spirit, and it is the strength and laughter of real identity.” [xiii]
“Life is not worth living when it is lived even for a moment outside of the will of God.” [xiv]
El Morya had incarnations as
Abraham—the father of three world religions—and
Melchior, one of the Wise Men to visit Jesus at the time of his birth. He was
King Arthur, 6
th century King of Britain and worked under the guidance of Merlin (St. Germain) to create the Order of the Knights of the Round Table.
Thomas a Becket, he resigned the position of Lord Chancellor of England when Henry II appointed him Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162. In 1172, he was canonized saint and martyr.
During the 16
th century, El Morya incarnated as
Sir Thomas Moore. In this lifetime, El Morya as Sir Thomas Moore was appointed Lord Chancellor by Henry VIII in 1529. When the King desired to divorce his first wife, who was childless, and marry Anne Boleyn, Moore refused to support him in his decision because it went against the laws of the church. As a result, Moore was beheaded in 1535. He was canonized Saint Thomas Moore in 1935.
From 1556 through 1605, he reigned as
Akbar the Great, the most powerful of the Mogul emperors of India. He abolished discrimination against Hindus. “His capital city became a flourishing cultural center where scholars of the Muslim and Hindu sects, Jains, Zoroastrians, and Christians met to discuss theology and philosophy.” He strongly supported the arts and music. “His long reign brought peace and prosperity to the entire Indian empire.”
During the 19
th century he incarnated as
Thomas Moore, national lyricist of Ireland. Then, in his final embodiment, he was a Rajput prince,
El Morya Khan. He helped found the Theosophical Society “for the purpose of forming a nucleus for comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science.” He ascended in 1898.
As an Ascended Master, El Morya worked with Mark & Elizabeth Claire Prophet to create Summit University for the purpose of teaching & Summit University Press for publishing the Ascended Masters’ Teachings. From the Etheric Retreat of God’s Will located over the city of Darjeeling, India, El Morya works “with members of the Darjeeling Council and the Brothers of the Diamond Heart in assisting humankind to make the blueprint of every project on Earth reflect the Will of God.
El Morya invites us to visit his Darjeeling Retreat of God’s Will during your sleep or in meditation. The musical piece “
Pomp & Circumstance, by Elgar, is the keynote of the retreat. Listening to this music assists in attuning to the retreat.

Ascended Lady Master Kuan Yin
Painting by the now Ascended Lady Master Ruth Hawkins
Goddess of Mercy
Member of the Karmic Board
Predecessor of St. Germain as Chohan of the 7th Ray
Hierarch of the Etheric Temple of Mercy over Peking, China
“Silence is the ultimate experience of harmony, bliss,
peace, and comfort.”
“I am called the Mother of Mercy; there is no one who can be more gentle than I. Like Mother Mary, I too have stood in the rooms where bodies first came forth from the wombs of your mothers. I too touched the top of your heads. I too blessed you; not only in this embodiment, but all the embodiments since I have been secluded from the peoples of Earth by the maya [negativity] of human creation; praying with all the mercy and compassion of My heart that each one of you might fulfill your Divine Plan. I have loved you regardless of mistakes, not only in this life, but in those that have gone before.” [xvii]
Kuan Yin, Kuan Shih Yin Tzu Tsai meaning
the sovereign who looks on the sounds of the world. According to legend, she paused on the threshold of heaven to listen to the cries of the world.” Kuan Yin was worshipped in China before the advent of Buddhism.
Kuan Yin seems to have rarely incarnated on Earth. She has taken the vow of the
bodhisattva to work with Earth humans and others within our solar system to introduce the teachings of the Ascended Masters. As a member of the Karmic Board, she pleads for mercy in the unfolding of the Universal Law
we reap what we sow, asking that those individuals who have truly earned physical/mental challenges in the forthcoming incarnation be allowed, instead,
to pursue in the freedom of a sound mind and body the light of the law. Then, once the individual has attained a stage of spiritual maturity that will allow it, he/she is given the opportunity and
joy of balancing every jot and tittle of misqualified energy and so fulfill the law of his own being.[xviii]

Ascended Master Lao-Tzu
Kuan Yin’s Twin Flame is Lao-Tzu, the father of Taoism. She is the Hierarch of the Etheric Temple of Mercy, located over Peking, China. You may visit the Temple of Mercy in your sleep or meditation. Silence is observed at all times; this silence is healing for the turbulence of your feeling worlds and bodies.

Ascended Master Gautama Buddha
The Compassionate One
Serves in the Office of Lord of the World
“Let enlightenment in this age [the Aquarian Age] be the experience of the Buddha where you are.” [xix]
Only in selflessness can the soul be trusted with omnipotence. When the Lord God knows by the proof of action that the soul can let go and bestow upon humanity every blessing that it has received from on high, then he will bequeath to that soul limitless energy and the powers not only of this world but of many worlds.” [xx]
Within Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy, Buddha holds the office of
Lord of the World. He is the
Lord of the Earth mentioned in Revelations 11:4 and Hierarch of the Etheric Retreat at Shamballa over the Gobi Desert.
Shamballa is the mystic home of the Great White Brotherhood – “the guardian band of the human race. Its Members were composed of great Intelligences Who had volunteered to become radiating centers of Light until the Light Presence within each man was awakened and enabled to fulfill Its own destiny.” [xxi]
Buddha incarnated on Earth as
Siddhartha Gautama in 563 B.C. For 45 years, he walked throughout India, preaching the Universal Doctrine,
Dhamma. Buddha focalizes the consciousness of
God as Father.
“The purpose of the evolution of a Buddha is to hold a spiritual Aura around a planet long enough to nourish the souls of all evolving consciousnesses who are evolving toward God mastery in that scheme of evolution. The Aura of the Buddha Himself becomes for the soul what the atmosphere of Earth and the forces of the elements are to the bodies and nature kingdom.” — Lord Himalaya, April 17, 1954

Ascended Master Kuthumi
Serves in the Office of World Teacher along with Ascended Master Jesus
“Through faith you become our hands, our feet, our presence on earth. You correspond to us by outpicturing our consciousness before [humankind].” [xxiv]
Kuthumi presently serves, along with Jesus, in the Spiritual Hierarchy’s Office of World Teacher. He is a Master Psychologist, Sponsor of Youth, and Initiator of those who choose to walk the path in accordance with their Soul’s Road Map.
Pharoah Thutmose III (1567 B.C.), prophet and high priest, he expanded the Egyptian Kingdom to include most of the Middle East. During the 6
th century, he incarnated as
Pythagoras and was an initiate of the mysteries of Isis in Egypt. He founded a mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood where carefully selected students pursued a “philosophy based on the mathematics of universal law, illustrated in music and in a disciplined way of life.”
Balthazar, one of the Three Wise Men, he is thought to have been the King of Ethiopia.
In the 12
th century, he incarnated as
Francis of Assisi. He renounced family and wealth, choosing instead to live among the poor and lepers. Francis was the founder of the Franciscan Order. One of his disciples and most dedicated co-workers was the
noble Lady Clare, his Twin Flame. She, too, chose to forego her life within a wealthy family and work alongside Francis. During this incarnation,
Lady Clare created the
Order of Poor Ladies, a monastic religious order of the Franciscan tradition for women. Today, this order is known as the
Poor Clares.

Lady Clare

Mumtaz Mahal
Mumtaz was a reincarnation of Lady Clare – note the physical similarities.
In the 16
th century, he incarnated as
Mogul emperor Shah Jahan (1592-1666). He overthrew the corrupt government of his father and restored the noble ethics of his grandfather Akbar the Great (an incarnation of El Morya). As Shah Jahan,
he built the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal “is the symbol of the Mother principle and
the shrine for his eternal love for his Twin Flame.”
Koot Hoomi Lai Singh, the Kashmiri Brahman, he is thought to have “attended Oxford University and, in 1875, the university in Leipzig, where he visited with Dr. Gustav Fechner, founder of modern psychology.”
Students of Theosophy know Kuthumi as
Master K.H. Kuthumi, El Morya, and the Master M. worked through Helen Blavatsky in 1875 to found the Theosophical Society. Kuthumi is the Hierarch of the Etheric Temple of Illumination over Kashmir.
Kuthumi “maintains a focus at Shigatse. Here he plays sacred classical music of East & West and compositions of the heavenly hosts as well as of Earth’s early root races on an organ keyed to the music of the spheres, drawing souls who are making the transition called
death out of the astral plane and into the etheric retreats of the Brotherhood. Those who are able to see Kuthumi at the moment of the passing often find peace in the certain knowing that they have seen the Ascended Master Jesus—so closely do Jesus and Kuthumi resemble one another in their adoration and manifestation of the [Cosmic] Christ.”

Ascended Master Paul the Venetian
Painting by Paul the Venetian’s Twin Flame, the now Ascended Lady Master Ruth Hawkins
Master Artist and Artisan of the Temple Builders
Lord of the Third Ray
“Understand that when you discipline your energy, your supply, your expression, the hours of your day, your service to life, you are increasing your capacity to release Love.” [xxvii]
Ascended Master Paul the Venetian’s devotion “is to beauty, the perfection of the Soul through compassion, patience, understanding, self-discipline, and the development of the intuitive and creative faculties of the heart by the alchemy of self-sacrifice, selflessness, and surrender.”
On Atlantis, he served as
head of cultural affairs in the government. He incarnated into the Incan Empire as an
artist who used paints that did not fade. Later he embodied in Egypt as a
master of esoteric architecture and worked with El Morya in constructing the pyramids.
His final incarnation was as
Paolo Veronese, one of the greatest artists of the Venetian School. He became famous as a decorator of large architecture and churches—called
Painter of Pageants. His famous 1562 “Marriage at Cana” hangs in the Louvre today.
He made his ascension on April 19, 1588. His Etheric Retreat, the Chateau de Liberte, is located over southern France on the Rhone River. Should you want visit this retreat you may simply ask your High/Christ Self and guardian angels to take you there while you sleep.
In the words of Paul the Venetian:
“I will take you by the hand and show you my castle, I will show you the works of art that have been brought forth by chelas unascended and ascended. And we will go through many rooms, and lastly I will take you to the room where there is a frame that hangs. In some cases it will be an empty frame. In some cases it will have a canvas in it. It will be your frame, the frame of your identity waiting for you to bring forth the genius of your soul. And when you see that frame, if it is empty you will want to fill it. And so, I will take you to that place where you can work with other artisans who are learning the art of living love by the discipline of the hand and the discipline of expression so that you can draw the image of your own Christ-perfection.”
Ascended Master Paul the Venetian teaches us that “
to come into union with the Christ flame is to move with love. The more you are disciplined, the stronger are the grids of consciousness. And to have a strong consciousness, as strong sinews, enables you to balance megatons of the light force you call love. The art of living love is to be creative. And the art of being creative is to be self-disciplined.” [xxviii]
Paul the Venetian’s Twin Flame is Ruth Hawkins. They are a modern example of one Twin Flame being ascended and working on the inner planes while the other works on Earth and remains unascended until she returns to Spirit.

Ascended Lady Master Ruth Hawkins
Goddess of Beauty
Ruth’s last incarnation began in 1907 in Kansas. She ascended in 1995. She worked tirelessly for the ascended masters and dedicated her life to serving with her Twin Flame, Paul the Venetian. She was an artist, often channeling her painting from her Twin Flame before she saw the person she was painting. She painted many of the Ascended Masters.
Ascended Master Serapis Bey
Lord of the 4th Ray
Hierarch of the Etheric Ascension Temple over Luxor, Egypt
“Now, for the second time in the history of the human race, unascended beings are contributing voluntarily their breath to carry the golden and white Ascension Flame of Luxor around the world, permeating the consciousness of mankind with Its sacred power.”
“We hope that the lifestreams attracted here get the feeling that death is not the end, but that the Ascension, the conscious Ascension, is the ultimate victory of all their endeavors. We send out on the Ascension Flame the strong feeling of everlasting Life and the joy of service.” [xxx] Serapis Bey, July 1956
Serapis Bey served as a
High Priest in the Temple of the Sacred Fire
Atlantis. He and his companions left Atlantis before the final cataclysm, taking the Ascension Flame to Luxor, Egypt. Serapis introduces himself: “
I am the hierophant of Luxor, Retreat of the Ascension Flame. I am known among the Brotherhood as the disciplinarian, and among my disciples as the fiery Master, and among those who have rejected the disciplines of our retreat by various and sundry names.” [xxxi]
Serapis Bey later incarnated in Egypt as the
Pharoah Amenhotep III. While pharaoh, he constructed the physical Temple at Luxor on the Nile. His reign was mainly peaceful; he went to war only one time. Instead, he focused on massive construction projects.
During the Graeco-Roman period in Egypt, approximately forty-two temples were erected to him. King Ptolemy I proclaimed him the official god for Egypt. He remains one of the most mysterious Egyptian gods, with no known country of origin.
In the 5
th century B.C., Serapis Bey incarnated as
Leonidas, King of Sparta, where he was killed in battle.
Serving in the Temple of Ascension, Serapis Bey—“
great initiate of the Mother flame—administers the gift of the working of miracles—Mother’s miracles—to the Lightbearers of Earth. This gift, in order to be received, requires utmost Love, for only Love begets self-discipline in the sacred fire that is neither brittle nor fanatical nor self-demeaning.”
From his Ascension Temple, the beloved Hierarch of Luxor initiates candidates for the ascension, assigning tutors to walk with their charges every missed step on the paths of the seven rays. And the line is drawn; the chela may not pass until he fulfills that neglected, long-forgotten or suppressed missed step.”
“His methods of discipline are tailor-made for each candidate for the ascension…. Serapis has explained to us how important it is, especially in this Dark Cycle of the descent of earth’s karma, that we the Lightbearers come to his etheric retreat at Luxor and strive to win our ascension both from inner levels and on the outer, conscientiously applying what we have learned “out of body” in the performance of the daily tasks at hand: ‘For we count not one, but a number of ascensions each year as absolutely indispensable to the holding of the balance of Life upon earth.” [xxxiii]
Serapis Bey teaches:
“Your Life must become a channel for the power, the peace, the healing and the supply of your [I AM] Presence which is one with the Source of all Life. This is your reason for Being, and for this came you into the world. You shall know neither peace nor happiness until you fulfill this purpose consciously.
‘Press’ your outer consciousness against the great Body of the Presence until you can actually and actively feel Its strength, Its omnipresence, Its omnipotence, Its vital health and well being, Its peace, and Its power. The nature of God is the most contagious of all natures, but you must expose yourself to Its influence in order to experience Its Presence alive within you and flowing through you to expand the borders of the Kingdom.” [xxxiv]
You may attend classes in the Etheric Ascension Temple of Luxor during your sleep or in meditation. The ascension flame is an intense fiery white with a crystal glow; its melody is the “
Triumphal March” from “
Aida.” The keynote of the retreat is “
Liebestraum” by Franz Liszt. The radiance of the electronic presence of Serapis Bey and his Twin Flame pour through the aria “
Celeste Aida.”

Ascended Master Hilarion – The Healer
Lord of the 5th Ray
Hierarch of the Etheric Temple of Truth over Crete
“The gift of Truth and of Healing is only for the sharing, only for the giving away.”
There is confusion among researchers as to whether Pallas Athena is the Twin Flame of the Maha Chohan or Hilarion. My research indicates Pallas Athena is the Twin Flame of the Maha Chohan for this planet.
The service offered by each planet’s Maha Chohan is to “
direct vertically downward that gift of radiation of the Holy Spirit for that planet.” [xxxvi] According to the teachings of Jesus in John 14:26, “
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.” Thus, the service of Earth’s Maha Chohan is to radiate the energy of the Holy Spirit to us.
As Ascended Master El Morya explains:
“Beloved Pallas Athena is the Patroness of [the Temple of Truth] and guardian Spirit of the Virtue of absolute Truth…. Hilarion is the ‘present’ Hierarch of the Temple of Truth. His service is to direct the Ray of Truth to, through, and around all sincere individuals who are consecrated and dedicated to spreading the message of the Spiritual Law, as they presently see it.” [xxxvii]
The level of service being offered by the Mahan Chohan and Pallas Athena is more indicative of Twin Flames—both are dedicated to continuous service to absolute Truth. El Morya explains: “
Truth is one of the Virtues of the Godhead, for which the Being known as Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, became a magnetizing Focus and the essence of Truth established through Her Contemplation of Cosmic Truth forms the core and center of the Flame of Truth. Around this Flame has been built the Temple of Truth in the etheric Realm.” [xxxviii]
My research has not identified the Twin Flame of Hilarion. I strongly suspect that we will eventually learn that Hilarion’s Twin Flame will be the Soul last incarnated as Myrtle Fillmore. As we shall soon see, Hilarion’s Soul last incarnated as Charles Fillmore. Charles & Myrtle most definitely performed a Twin Flame mission when they co-founded the Unity Movement.
The Soul of Hilarion incarnated as
Iamblichus, the Neoplatonic writer, in 245 B.C. He became the chief representative of Syrian Neoplatonism; his influence spread over the ancient world. He founded his own school near Antioch, Syria, where he designed a curriculum for studying Plato and Aristotle. He began to mathematize all fields of philosophical concern. Iamblichus descended from an ancient line of Syrian priest-kings. He maintained that the
transcendent cannot be reached through mental contemplation because the transcendent is
supra-rational. Instead, the soul’s inner divinity unites with God.
In the first century A.D., the Soul of Hilarion incarnated as the
Apostle Paul of the New Testament. Paul wrote much of the New Testament. He was a Roman citizen and played a large role in carrying the teachings of Jesus to Europe. Paul suffered from an unnamed physical birth defect. Although he mentions it in his writings, he seems not to have allowed it to interfere with his work. The characteristic most noticed by modern women is his apparent discrimination against them. Paul reflected the prevailing attitude toward women during his time. They had few legal rights, although we see many involved in the ministry of Jesus and in spreading his teachings as far away as Europe. Jesus was unique in his treatment of women as equals.
The Soul of Paul incarnated during the 4
th century as Hilarion, a Palestinian mystic and monk. He founded Christian monasticism in Palestine. Hilarion spent twenty years in the deserts of Palestine, preparing for his healing ministry. According to the historian of his day, Jerome, Hilarion healed all types of conditions. According to Jerome, while Hilarion was living in Sicily, he prevented a tsunami from coming ashore after an earthquake. The people claimed him as their own and followed him as they had Jesus.
In the words of Mark & Elizabeth Prophet, “
Alas, they deified the miracle worker instead of internalizing his example and teaching on the crystallization (Christ realization) of the God flame. And he became the crystal and the crystal returned to the mist—and they missed it. They missed the whole point of his mission, his sacrifice, and his victory! As with Jesus, they wanted the loaves and fishes. They wanted to be fed and delivered of their transgressions (karma) come upon them through their diseases—without paying the price. Yes, whatever was free they would take, but they didn’t want the personal responsibility of internalizing the Word, of ‘being and becoming’ the Christ.” [xl]
In 1854,
Charles Fillmore was born. He knew himself to be a reincarnation of the Apostle Paul, thereby indicating that he was the Soul of Hilarion. The similarity in personal appearance is striking.

Ascended Master Hilarion

Charles Fillmore

Charles Fillmore
“All power has its birth in the silence…. God is your higher Self and is in constant waiting upon you…. Every thought of personal possessions must be dropped out of mind before men can come into the realization of the invisible supply.” [xli]
Charles Fillmore and his wife, Myrtle, were the co-founders of the Unity Movement and the Unity School of Practical Christianity (now called Unity Institute). This movement is worldwide and grouped among the New Thought organizations that sprang up in the late 19
th and early 20
th centuries.
Charles Fillmore worked closely with both his first wife, Myrtle, and his second wife, Cora. He would jokingly say, “I am atoning for the Apostle Paul’s discrimination against women.” “
Unity began when Myrtle Fillmore received the idea, ‘I am a child of God and therefore I do not inherit sickness,’ and was healed [of tuberculosis] by the power of God in her.” [xlii]
Fillmore was born with one leg withered and shorter than the other. He healed himself through diligent prayer. Healing prayer became a major part of Unity’s ministry. The Silent Unity Prayer Ministry has been in continual operation 24/7 for 100+ years.
Fillmore studied the Bible continually, interpreting it metaphysically—thereby revealing the hidden wisdom within.
Unity’s Metaphysical Bible Dictionary is a compilation of Fillmore’s writings. After Myrtle’s death, Fillmore co-authored books with his second wife, Cora.
Fillmore was known to go to the airport with no money … when the Airline Customers Representative asked for the price of the ticket, he nonchalantly pulled the needed money from his pocket and purchased the ticket. Thus, the experiential value of this quote from Fillmore: “
The spiritual substance from which comes all visible wealth is never depleted. It is right with you all the time and responds to your faith in it and your demands on it.”
I perceive Fillmore’s life as an enhancement of the Apostle Paul’s in the following ways.
1. Paul discriminated against women. Charles and Myrtle Fillmore were equal co-founders of the Unity Movement; Charles and Cora were co-authors.
2. Paul suffered with a physical deformity throughout his life. Charles healed his withered leg through prayer.
3. Paul wrote much of the New Testament; Pauline theology had tremendous impact on the formation of Christian doctrine. Charles wrote metaphysical interpretations of the Bible—revealing the means for Bible students to uncover the hidden wisdom within the surface words. The hidden wisdom greatly surpasses the doctrines of the Christian religion.
4. Paul’s missionary work covered much of the known world of his time. Charles’ work created a world-wide movement of thought in which individuals take the responsibility for developing the Christ Consciousness within.
5. Paul wrote in Philippians 2:5 – “
Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” Charles, through his
practical Christianity, taught how to assume personal responsibility for developing the
mind that was in Christ Jesus.
You may visit Unity Village for retreats, classes, and healing prayer.

Ascended Master Lanello
Ascended Master Lanello incarnated on Earth in numerous capacities. Among them are:
High Priest in the Temple of the Solar Logos on Atlantis. As
Mark the evangelist, he is thought to be the
author of Mark’s Gospel. Roughly a century later, he incarnated as
Origen, an early Christian scholar and distinguished theologian. St. Jerome, historian, wrote of Origen: “
the greatest teacher of the Church after the apostles.” [xliii]
Despite his renown, the early Church Fathers rejected Origen’s teachings on
pre-existence of souls (reincarnation). In 553 C.E. (A.D.), the Fifth Ecumenical Council condemned Origen and his writings as
heretical. “
If anyone does not anathematize Arius, Eunomius, Macedonius, Apollinarius, Nestorius, Eutyches, and Origen,
as well as their heretical books, and also all other heretics who have already been condemned and anathematized by the holy, catholic, and apostolic church and by the four holy synods which have already been mentioned, and also all those who have thought or now think in the same way as the aforesaid heretics and who persist in their error even to death: let him be anathema.” [xliv] Anathema is defined by Webster: “
a curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication. The majority of Origen’s books were burned. Years later, Lanello’s Twin Flame, Elizabeth Clare Prophet with the help of her daughter, Erin, wrote a well researched book entitled
REINCARNATION: The Missing Link in Christianity.
During the 5
th centuries, Lanello incarnated as
Bodhidharma, an Indian Buddhist monk credited with founding Zen Buddhism and carrying it to China. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, accounts of Bodhidharma’s life are mostly legendary.
In the 13
th century, Lanello incarnated as
Bonadventure, an Italian medieval scholar, theologian, and philosopher. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Bonadventure, a Franciscan, served as the Seventh Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor and was Cardinal Bishop of Albano.


Mark L. Prophet
In the above pictures, we can see the Soul carrying forward a similar physical appearance from one incarnation to the next.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Lanello’s last incarnation was as Mark L. Prophet, Twin Flame to Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Together, they founded Summit University and co-authored books—with a major focus of getting the teachings of the Ascended Masters out to the people. After 12 years of marriage with Elizabeth, Mark returned to spirit in 1973. Elizabeth continued their work, becoming an internationally recognized spiritual teacher of the Ascended Masters’ teachings. She returned to spirit in 2009.
I have listed some of the most well known Ascended Masters and Lady Masters. There are many others. Once more, my goal is to allow readers to recognize our future as Ascended Masters … how we will continue to use our most developed talents for the good of all following our ascension into the 5
th dimension and above. Many of us will follow the example of the above Masters and lovingly serve the
unascended in the etheric Temples and Retreats while they sleep.
For now, we can learn to telepathically communicate with the Masters … to work consciously with them on a project benefiting Earth and its inhabitants. They make up the Spiritual Hierarchy—the Great White Brotherhood—in charge of planet Earth. Because members of the Galactic Federation of Light come from numerous other planets, they bow to the will of Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy as they direct the unfolding of the Divine Plan for Earth’s Ascension.
Many Earth humans are already meeting their Twin Flame during sleep, meditation, or possibly in physical bodies. Twin Flames are coming together to receive “
the very special spiritual and physical assignment with one’s Twin Flame—a mission drawn from the higher spheres of their divine plan (causal bodies) which must be fulfilled ere they are allowed to graduate (i.e. ascend) from earth’s schoolhouse.”
Soul families, as contrasted with karmic relationships, are coming together as we move into place for the work required in order to allow Earth humans to be re-united with the ascended galactic society.
St. Germain is in charge of this New Aquarian Age. Under his direction and, with the help of our galactic families, Earth humans are to create a galactic society—an ascended society that honors the Divine Will & Plan for all of humanity.
Note: I give thanks to my Twin Flame, Uriel, for the privilege of working telepathically with him these past 16 years. (Uriel is not to be confused with the Archangel Uriel.)
[ii] Elizabeth Claire Prophet,
CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN: The Path of the Higher Self. Los Angeles: Summit
University Press, 1972.
[iii] Jesus & Kuthumi,
Corona Class Lessons: For Those Who Would Teach Men the Way. Summit University
Press, 1986.
[iv] Adam & Eve were fooled by the Serpent (an ancient symbol of wisdom) into thinking they could be of more help to earthlings if they tasted the symbolic fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. Incarnations later, Jesus was once more given disinformation as he pondered how best to minister unto the people of Palestine. (See the temptations of Jesus in Matthew 4.) This time Jesus was not fooled.
It is instructive for us to consider that temptations are very often framed in such a way as to lead us to think that we can be of more meaningful service if we submit to the temptations. Discernment is an advanced spiritual lesson that is best learned on 3rd dimension where good and evil exist.
[v] Glenn Sanderfur,
Lives of the Master: The Rest of the Jesus Story. Virginia Beach, Virginia: A.R.E. Press, 1988.
This book is based on the Readings of Edgar Cayce, the most scientifically documented Intuitive in history.
[vi] Jesus & Kuthumi (Dictated to Mark & Elizabeth Prophet),
Prayer & Meditation. Los Angeles: Summit Univesity
Press., 1963.
[vii] Prophet,
[viii] Prophet,
[ix] Jesus & Kuthumi (Dictated to Mark & Elizabeth Prophet),
Prayer & Meditation.
[x] The secret orders which Francis Bacon helped to establish have since been infiltrated by those with dark intent— those who are presently seeking to take control of the planet as the New World Order. Here again, we see that the dark forces adopt what is good and manipulate it to fool others. Most humans are not tempted by outright evil. Instead, we tend to succumb to evil when we are fooled into thinking it is for the good of others.
[xi] Prophet,
[xii] Prophet,
[xiii] Mark L. Prophet & Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
Lords of the Seven Rays., Summit University Press, 1986.
[xiv] Jesus & Kuthumi (dictated to Mark & Elizabeth Prophet),
Prayer & Meditation.
[xv] Prophet,
[xvi] Prophet,
[xvii] A.D.K. Luk,
The Law of Life & Teachings of Divine Beings, Book III. A.D.K. Luk Publications: 1978.
[xviii] Prophet,
[xix] Prophet,
[xx] Jesus & Kuthumi (dictated to Mark & Elizabeth Prophet),
Prayer & Meditation.
[xxi] A.D.K. Luk,
Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings, Book III. “Great White Brotherhood refers to Light, not
[xxii] Prophet,
[xxiii] A.D.K. Luk,
Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings, Book I.
[xxiv] Jesus & Kuthumi,
Coron Class Lessons. Summit University Press, 1986.
[xxvi] Prophet,
[xxvii] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
Lords of the Seven Rays.
[xxviii] Prophet,
[xxix] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
The Masters & Their Retreats. Summit University Press, reprinted 2003.
[xxx] A.D,K. Luk,
Law of Life & Teachings of Divine Beings, Book III.
[xxxi] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
Lords of the Seven Rays.
[xxxii] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
Lords of the Seven Rays.
[xxxiii] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
Lords of the Seven Rays.
[xxxiv] A.D.K. Luk,
Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings, Book III.
[xxxv] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
Lords of the Seven Rays.
[xxxvi] A.D.K. Luk,
Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings, Book I.
[xxxvii] A.D.K. Luk,
Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings, Book III.
[xxxviii] A.D.K. Luk,
Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings, Book III.
[xl] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
Lords of the Seven Rays.
[xli] The Essential Charles Fillmore: With Commentary by James Gaither. Unity Village, MO: Unity Books, 1999.
[xlii] James Dillet Freeman,
The Story of Unity. Unity Village, Missouri: Unity Books, 1978.
[xliii] Joseph Head & S.L. Cranston, eds.,
Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery. New York: Julian Press/Crown
Publishers, Inc., 1997.
[xliv] Norman P. Tanner, ed.,
Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press,
[xlv] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
Lords of the Seven Rays