Posted on May 31, 2011 by Nancy B. Detweiler
Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
With Italicized Excerpts from A.D.K. Luk’s
The Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings
During the Golden Ages of eons past, glorious Temples and Retreats existed on the surface of Earth. However, as Earth humans chose to create the violent—violent in word, thought, and action—world in which we now live, the physical plane vibrations became too low for the Temples and Retreats to remain on Earth’s surface. They now exist on the etheric plane surrounding Earth.These magnificent Temples and Retreats are still available for Earth humans during sleep and meditation.
We all go to at least one of these Temples each year on New Year’s Eve. I insert a description of the New Year’s Eve Ceremony in the Temple of Karma, located on the etheric plane.
Lord Maha Chohan – December 7, 1952
“One of the most beautiful activities connected with the closing of the yearly cycle is the mystic ceremony whereby the Lords of Karma close the individual Book of Life for every lifestream in embodiment upon the Earth during the 12-month period that has passed.
This ceremonial takes place on the last evening of the old year in the Great Temple of Karma located within the Etheric Belt. [Later the ceremony was moved to the Teton Retreat.] It is a particular service for embodied individuals and, although it includes those who had any portion of embodiment within the year, it does not include the discarnates or those who have not had an active earth experience for one hour or so during the 12 months. This is the merciful Office of the Karmic Board and is performed in order to allow the lifestreams of the race to be freed from a portion of the errors and mistakes of the past year made, not so much through willful disobedience to the Law as through lack of discernment, discretion and discrimination. In other words, the mitigation of evil effects relate only to those whose causes are motivated with no evil intent but which, nevertheless, ofttimes produce unnecessary confusion and distress in their wake.
Almost a quarter of the karmic legacy of the race is caused through blundering rather than willful disobedience of the unseen or manifest Law, and the mercy of the Karmic Board, from the beginning of mankind’s experiment with the Law of Cause and Effect, has always allowed, at the close of the year, this merciful melting away of the karmic punishments due to this laxity, which accounts for the lightness with which individuals enter the New Year—filled with hope, resolutions and a strongly embedded desire to improve upon their nature, character, and manifest expression.
There are nearly four billion souls who come under this beneficient mercy of the Karmic Board during this ceremonial. Each lifestream, from the ignorant savage to the most elect and select student, passes through the Halls of Karma and his load is lightened according to the intent of his motives during the past 12 months. Thus, all are enabled to enter joyously into the New Year Councils and receive the greatest possible benefit from the directive energies of the Master Beings Who set up the Keynote for the coming year.
After the Lords of Karma have measured the Light of the lifestreams, each one is then placed within the ceremonial Fire of purification which is projected and sustained under the direction of the beloved Master Saint Germain with the help and sustenance of the Angelic Kingdom and the Initiates who are educated in the direction and sustenance of the Sacred Fire in Its purifying aspect. Thus, consciously or unconsciously, every lifestream upon the planet tastes and experiences within his own body the purifying action of the Seventh Ray at the close of each year, and the soul and the inner bodies step forth from this purification with a greater opportunity for progress and less accumulation of a binding nature. It must be understood that each lifestream receives the ultimate amount of mercy and grace that his own merit for the past year has allowed him. This is the Comfort and Mercy extended by the Creator….”
Lord Maha Chohan, January 1955
“There are no words to describe the compassion of that Forgiving Love of the Cosmic Christ into which the soul of every lifestream upon the planet were consciously drawn that their karma might be lessened, and that they may step forth into the pulsation of the New Year with a new opportunity to find mercy, and through mercy, peace.
The Great Audience Chamber [at the Teton Retreat] was completely decorated in all the variegated tones of the Purple Ray, from the most delicate pink violet and blue violet to the rich deep purples which represent the most concentrated essence of that Flame of Mercy, Forgiveness, and Compassion. The velvet chair backs and cushions were all a royal purple, embroidered in gold, and Masters and visiting Guests wore robes of the varying degrees of the purple color tone representative of Their particular activity in connection with the Flame of Mercy.
A moment or two before the Ceremony commenced the Lords of Karma took Their places in the atmosphere above the high Altar. They also wore Their Robes of State, with seven-pointed Crowns upon Their heads richly encrusted with diamonds and amethysts.
The Silent Watcher standing with Arcturus high in the atmosphere above the mountain, bathed the entire locality in the substance of the Violet Light which flowed from His Luminous Body like a beautiful garment of the finest of chiffon that has yet a softly luminous quality in its gentle radiance.
The Master Saint Germain, at the moment of the invocation, charged into the atmosphere directly in front of the Altar (before which he stood) a flash of Flame from His heart, head, and hand. This became the initial impulse for the Flame of Mercy through which the mankind of Earth then did pass. From the center of this Flame petals unfolded, until a great Lotus Flower was formed, its purple petals extending the full width of the side platform. This beautiful Thought-Form was at first transparent, made of a gossamer substance, but which continued to intensify and condense until it formed at last a fairly wide pathway which could be observed by the Lords of Karma Who were facing the audience, as well as by the audience itself. This beautiful Lotus pathway was suspended in the atmosphere by a gently curved band of purple Light which was anchored through the Violet archways at each end of the platform.
The Goddess of Justice, as Spokesman for the Lords of Karma, then began to call the roll of mankind. As their names were called, they passed through the archway of violets up onto this pathway of Purple Flame, accompanied by their Sponsors (if they were conscious chelas) and by their Guardian Angels it they were among the masses.
As each one stood for a moment in the very heart of the Lotus Flame, the motive which prompted the creation of the karma for the passing year was examined, and as much of that karma was wiped away as the motive within the consciousness allowed.
A steady stream of souls thus proceeded across this Flaming Pathway of Mercy and down the further side joining the Assembly, if they were students of Light, or returning to their various homes if they were not yet awakened to the inner life…. The mass of the people is passed through speedily, but the students of Light receive individual attention and assistance.
After the completion of this exquisite Ceremony, the Lotus Flame was expanded out over the entire Assembly and then, through Their cooperative endeavor, it flowed outward and covered the entire Earth with Its merciful and forgiving radiance.
After the completion of this purifying activity, mankind is prepared to receive the impetus of the Spirit Who is to ensoul the coming year, and the Thought-Form which will be the directing Intelligence.
May each and every one of you experience in your feelings the uplifting grace and the joyous release which the participation in this exquisite Ceremony of Compassion and Mercy imparts….
Man would do well to carry with him in the days ahead the feeling of hope. If you could seize upon the purification and try to live in the New Year as if there had never been an old, the limitations and evils would drop away because they are not eternal, and only the good from the past year would endure and become a mantle of fragrance around you. Be master of your energy, and do not allow your thought and feeling centers to reproduce in your world the manifestations that brought unhappiness to you in the past. Use that energy to paint constructive pictures.”
Kwan Yin, December 1956
“So through the month of December, the entire planet is bathed in the Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love. This activity is produced and sustained by the Salamanders of the Violet Fire, most magnificent beings who wear robes from the delicate pink to the deepest purple, the great Angels of the Violet Fire representing My Own Legions of Mercy and those of beloved Saint Germain and lovely Portia [twin flame to St. Germain], beloved mighty Arcturus, glorious Diana, Mighty Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst.”
As we prepare for ascension in 2012, purification is essential. At this stage in 2011, we are experiencing a variety of physical conditions due to the multiple changes taking place because our bodies are becoming more crystalline. Many of these conditions will last for a short while, then, disappear. If some persist, you may choose to be evaluated by a medical professional.An excellent way to lessen the impact of our bodily changes is to regularly use the Purple Transmuting Flame. Before using the Flame, I strongly suggest that you seek more information regarding how to use it. You may learn more on my Blog:
The physical body is surrounded by the Purple Transmuting Flame
You may use the Purple Transmuting Flame during meditation and/or during sleep. Archangel Zadkiel is in charge of the etheric Temple of Purification. “The Blue Danube” by Strauss is attuned to the vibrations within the Temple of Purification.Before going to sleep: Call to Archangel Zadkiel to take you to the Temple of Purification for transmutation according to your Highest Good. There your etheric, emotional, and lower mental bodies will be cleansing under the supervision of Archangel Zadkiel and his priests and priestesses.
According to Master Morya in The Law of Life, the Temple of Purification is a very large circular building, created out of pure amethysts. Its dome is crowned with a life-size golden figure of Archaii Amethyst, about seven feet in height. An altar, located in the center of the Temple, is also built of pure amethysts. On the altar burns a Focus of the Violet Flame, attended to by the priests and priestesses, who “invoke, sustain and project this purifying essence of Violet Flame into the atmosphere of Earth.”
“Rhythm of invocation, constancy of devotion to the magnetization, sustenance, and expansion of the Violet Flame through meditation, contemplation, song and decree, [are] the fundamental principles of the teachers of The Temples of Lord Zadkiel.”
Kuthumi, April 21, 1956
“Into that lake of Violet Fire every soul belonging to this planet steps before the end of the year, and each one is literally baptized, so to speak, in Its purifying essence…. This submergence of the entire body is performed very gently, three times, and then they are led out and given into the charge of the Angels of Protection Who return the soul to the body; staying with it until there comes a certain sense of relief and release from the pressures of the past year…. When it comes to conscious chelas, there is the cooperation of the mental and emotional bodies and these souls enter the Sacred Fire with a realization of what It can do. Therefore, you may, while this activity of mercy goes on, bathe within this purifying Flame, not once, but often. The Angelic Host will welcome you back as often as you care to come. There is no such thing in the Ascended Masters’ Realm as weariness, exhaustion, or depletion in service. Every time you come for a blessing, They are more happy than before, so just utilize the opportunity with all the power at your command, and remember that the Violet Fire is there through the life energy of the beloved Kwan Yin, Saint Germain, beloved Zadkiel and Amethyst…. The energies that you consciously purify become immediately part of your own Causal Body [those circles around the symbol for your I AM PRESENCE on the Divine Self chart] and then your Christ Self [symbolized by the middle figure on the Divine Self chart], according to Its wisdom, charges back into the vehicle of expression that needs them most. You come under a specific dispensation of the Cosmic Law.”
In Meditation: First of all, don’t be concerned if you do not see with your inner eye (the Third Eye Chakra) what you are visualizing. Not seeing does not mean the action requested is not taking place. Think of an electric fan – once turned on, you cannot see the spokes, but you can feel the energy in the form of cooling air coming forth. It is the same with work being done on the etheric plane.
I suggest recording “The Blue Danube” on an empty CD—empty so the next song, applause, or speaking do not interrupt your meditation when the piece ends. If you do not have access to “The Blue Danube,” this recording on YouTube will allow you to get started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc8X7zJuVBU You might also like to record in your own voice the following meditation, inserting the music in the appropriate place.
Sample Meditation: Call to Archangel Zadkiel to transport you to the Temple of Purification………
Visualize yourself entering a circular Temple ………… accompanied by Archangel Zadkiel ……… As you enter, look around………….. The walls of the sanctuary are made of pure amethyst ……………….
Though there are no light fixtures, the Temple is filled with a soft, glowing light that seems to enfold you with love ……………….. You are welcome here…………………………..
A low altar, also made of pure amethyst, sits in the center of the sanctuary ………………. A Purple Transmuting Flame is cradled on this altar …………… Archangel Zadkiel invites you to sit on one of the white cushions placed around the altar………….
You have come to this temple to be purified by the flame ………… to be healed by the music ………….. and the loving presence of Archangel Zadkiel ………………. He will direct the purification process, so sit comfortably and listen to the music …………………………
If you have a particular concern related to yourself, you may want to share it with Archangel Zadkiel, asking for healing of the concern according to your Highest Good …………..
Later, if you feel led to do so, you may visualize yourself standing and dancing around the Temple……………….
Play “The Blue Danube” while you remain in meditation.
At the end of the music: …….. Archangel Zadkiel is blessing you now……………………………
Rise and take one last glance around this magnificent amethyst Temple…………….. Giving thanks to Archangel Zadkiel, visualize yourself leaving the Temple …………. Return your conscious awareness to the room in which your physical body sits ……………… Open your eyes as you are ready.
Using this meditative purification exercise daily will assist greatly in your preparation for Ascension.
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