Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity;
a being who has raised his/her vibration to a sustained frequency of light.
He/she can come and go at will from the earth plane without the Birth//Death
Self-Realization - the awareness of our complete and indivisible union
with God,
which we are. This also means that the ego-self has come to know itself so
so lovingly, so wisely that it is no longer run by the Shadow.
When one is in the Illumined State or Self-Realized,
there ceases to be any more inner or outer drama.
The personal ego-self has surrendered fully and willingly into the loving
embrace of the Soul
4-30-03 - LUCID DREAM -
I went in and out of this dream several times and worked on the project
it gave me, knowing I was awake and dreaming at the same time.
I chose 4 masters from a larger group of individuals -
3 men and a woman. Their picture and information was within
frames that were like railroad tracks, so the the corners came
apart and could be put back together again. I took the frames off,
doubled the size of the photos and the information. Then the
hardest job was to put the frames back together so it enclosed
all 4 Masters together using all the pieces, including the corners.
The four Ascended Master teachers pictured below all presented themselves
to me in dreams and visions over the last 20 years. I will be always grateful
that they chose to let me know they were there for me.
These were not the only Ascended Master teachers I have seen. I also
several Native American guides who are helping me to present pages of
information for students in the world.
Their information is below in the listing:
Christ Jesus
Lady Nada
The Ascended Masters have worked with mankind throughout the centuries.
Most of the time in the past the Ascended Masters have worked in the background.
There were some Ascended Masters who have assisted mankind such as Sanat
Kumara. also known in the Bible as the "Ancient of Days", by some He is known
as the "Lord of the World".
Sanat Kumara came ages ago to give assistance to the Earth when it would
have been dissolved otherwise. He offered His own free will to supply the
Light required to sustain the Earth and keep the Earth in the system until
enough so mankind could be raised to a point where they could carry the
responsibility of emitting sufficient Light.
Ascended Master Saint Germain's Cosmic Name is "Freedom". He is the Cosmic
Father of the people of America. Saint Germain's work for the freedom of
mankind began in that civilization seventy thousand years ago; when a whole
civilization could have been raised into the Ascension had they continued
to give obedience instead of becoming rebellious.
Saint Germain's most recent work with mankind came forth in the 1930's.
He worked with Mr. & Mrs. Ballard to establish the focus on the "I AM"
Presence. Through the Ballards, Saint Germain and other Ascended Masters
gave dictation's. Some of the other Ascended Masters where, Great Divine
Director, Mighty Victory, Mighty Victory and Ascended Master Jesus.
Jesus Christ, Jesus the Christ - because of the fullness of manifesting
the Christ Self , "Only Begotten Son of God", Lord and Savior (Saviour),
Incarnation of the Word, the Universal Christ (the Word Incarnate) , Cosmic
Christ , World Savior (Saviour) , World Teacher , Yeshua, the Messiah of
Israel , Avatar of the Piscean Age - the example of the Christ Consciousness
that was to have been out pictured in that two-thousand year Dispensation,
World Teacher (since January 1, 1956), Formerly - Chohan of the Sixth Ray
until December 31, 1959, when beloved Lady Master Nada fully took on the
Office of Chohan of the Sixth Ray, Holds the Office for this evolution of
the "Only Begotten Son" - and therefore the Representative not only of that
Universal Christ but also of the individual Holy Christ Self. Responsible
for: Ruby Ray , Purple and Gold Ray , Resurrection Flame , Twelve Legions
of Angels from the Heart of the Father/Mother God , Angels of Peace , Angels
of Love , Angels of the Ruby Ray , Angels of the Purple and Gold Ray , Angels
of the Resurrection Flame . Jesus Christ is known as Sananda in the
inner planes. He is the Master of the sixth ray, the ray of abstract idealism
and devotion, which is indigo. During His incarnation as Jesus, He was a
high priest in the order of Melchizedek and was overshadowed during His life
by Lord Maitreya. He also had lives as Adam, Enoch, Jeshua, Joshua, Elijah
and Joseph of Egypt. He works with Archangel Uriel to bring peace, brotherhood,
service and freedom to people. Many missionaries, lawyers, public servants,
social workers, blue collar workers, farmers and business people are on this
Jesus / Sananda
Mother Mary
Mother Mary, who volunteered before her birth to bring Jesus to the
world. Also called "Mother of the World." A beautiful, powerful ascended
master of great love, wisdom and compassion. She protects women and children
and intercedes in healing. One of her past incarnations was Isis, when she
instructed initiates in the Mystery
El Morya
of the First Ray, connected to the Temple of the Will of God.
El Morya was embodied as Abraham, the wise man Melchior, Arthur, king of
the Britons,
Beckett, Thomas More, both martyred, Akbar, greatest of Mogul emperors,
Thomas Moore, El Morya Khan, the most renowned of the Tibetan mahatmas. El
Morya came originally from Mercury and is a member of the White Brotherhood.
He works with Archangel Michael and is the chohan or master of the first
ray, which is red and governs power and will, drive, confidence and strength.
He works with rulers, executives, public servants, the military, sports people
and those who are commanders.
El Morya - Blue Ray
- Throat Chakra.
Working to transform the aggressive human from domination
to the will to do good. Head of all Esoteric Schools.
Abraham The patriarch Abraham, "father of many nations," was called
the "Friend of God." The LORD God called Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldees
and promised Him "I will make of thee a great nation." Abraham is now the
Ascended Master El Morya.
Lanto -
Chohan of the Second Ray - Lanto was an ancient Chinese master who lived
about 400 B.C. He is said to have accomplished more than any other master
of earth. He developed the light in his heart to such a degree that it shone
like a golden sun through his flesh.
Paul the Venetian -
of the Third Ray - Chohan of the Ray of Love . Embodied as: Paolo Veronese
(Paolo Caliari) 1528-1588, Italian Master Renaissance painter. He broke away
from the tradition in religious art of making the figures of Christ and his
apostles stiff and unreachable. He was a spiritual revolutionary who fought
against the forces of anti-Life in the arts, and saw Beauty as the most powerful
catalyst for enlightenment. Egyptian master of esoteric architecture who
worked with El Morya (then a master mason) at the time of the building of
the pyramids. Artist in the Incan empire who used paints that did not fade.
Head of cultural affairs in the government of Atlantis who, before the sinking
of Atlantis, established a Focus of the Liberty Flame in Peru - which gave
an impetus to the culture, beauty, and wealth of the Incan civilization.
Also known as: The Venetian Master, The Venetian, Lord of the Third Ray.
Service to Life: Chohan of the Third Ray (Love, Beauty, Art) Initiation and
balancing of the heart chakra. Helps develop tolerance and love for one another.
Training of elementals. Paul will be the next Maha Chohan, when the current
Representative of the Holy Spirit for this earth goes on to another Office
in Hierarchy. Ascended: April 19, 1588 from the Chateau de Liberte in southern
France after his passing at the age of sixty
Paul the Venetian
- Indigo Ray - Third Eye Chakra
Serapis Bey -
Chohan of the Fourth Ray - Serapis Bey, an ascended master associated
with Luxor in Egypt, who holds open the Temple doors on the etheric
level, and is one of the great teachers of ascension on the planet.
Serapis Bey originally came from Venus and is the Keeper of the White
flame. He works with Archangel Chamuel on the ray of compassion and is the
only Ascended Master who works with the Seraphim. He has an ascension seat
Luxor. In past incarnations he was a priest in Atlantis and was the Pharaoh
Akhenaton !V and also Amenophis. He is the master of the third ray, the yellow
ray of active, creative intelligence, helping to bring perfection, focus
and independence to artists, musicians, peacemakers, philosophers and
metaphysicians. He works to balance and activate artistic beauty in
all areas of life. He helps with personal initiations.
Serapis Bey
- Red
Ray - Root Chakra
of the Fifth Ray , which is orange, the ray of concrete science, knowledge
and research, which is connected to the Temple of Truth. He is helping to
bring in the scientific aspect of the New Age. He is particularly teaching
us to use our mental powers and drops seed thoughts of the new technology
and scientific ideas into receptive minds. He works to help us expand the
mind and bring new consciousness and spirituality into all areas of scientific
discovery. He stands for accuracy justice, common sense and upright
attitudes and works particularly with mathematicians, scientists, inventors,
musicians, chemists, electricians, engineers, surgeons and researchers. He
represents the highest galactic confederation of our solar system in Saturn..
In a previous incarnation he was Paul the apostle. He works with Archangel
Hilarion - Green Ray
- Healing - Heart Chakra
Lady Master Nada -
Chohan of the Sixth Ray "Nada" means "nothing," which refers
to her great humility.
Lady Nada - Sacral Chakra.
Lady Nada, a beautiful ascended master written about in the first two
"green books" of the St. Germain Press: Unveiled Mysteries, and The Magic
Presence. She is said to be the twin flame of Jesus. She works on the
ray of compassion and is on the Karmic Board, where she represents the third
ray. Lady Nada works with mental healing and upliftment. The thousand petaled
lotus on her forehead symbolizes enlightenment for the feminine, as well
as the masculine, mental body. She teaches that intelligence requires the
addition of love to become wisdom.
Maha Chohan -
Chohan of the Seventh Ray - It was He that enfolded Jesus in
His Cosmic Flame at the time of the baptism by John the Baptist, endow-ing
Jesus with His powers. It was His action when the Holy Spirit descended upon
the Disciples ten days after Jesus’ Ascension; that was the radiation
from the Lord Maha Chohan. He enfolded them in His Cosmic Flame which gave
to them the assurance, courage, strength and power to carry on the teaching
and works of Jesus. “The Comforter” referred to is the Lord Maha
Chohan. The first Maha Chohan Who came with the first root race in the beginning
established the Flame of the Holy Spirit and the Comfort Flame here on Earth.
The three Maha Chohans of the first root races have each gone on with Their
race. Feminine Beings have held this position. The Maha Chohan is
at the head of the Elemental kingdom; and is the authority over manifestations
in nature. He draws and supplies the energy used in all nature and by mankind.
He is the magnet to draw that power from the Sun. He directs the various
forms of culture and civilizations through the minds of embodied individuals
so as to unfold and develop according to the divine plan. The Maha Chohan
is the One Who gives the first breath to every new born child; He also takes
the last breath of every individual as he passes on. It is said that the
great Ascended Being, who is now the Lord MAHA CHOHAN, was embodied as HOMER,
the blind poet.
Djwhal Khul
Djwhal Khul, also called "The Tibetan," was a beautiful master who
achieved liberation under master Kuthumi's guidance. He is profoundly learned,
knowing more about the seven rays and the spiritual hierarchy than perhaps
any of his peers. He channeled wisdom works to Alice Bailey, a modern leader
of the Theosophical Society. With Kuthumi and El Morya, he works diligently
for our enlightenment. Djwhal Khul is known as The Tibetan who channeled
the mighty esoteric works to Alice Bailey. He works under Lord Kuthumi and
is a very learned being, working specifically to help us to move forward
into the Golden Age. He is one of the most accessible of the Masters of
Shamballa. Also known as Master of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom.
He was known to materialize, dematerialize and bi-locate. He works to balance
energies and make them easily accessible to all. Shortly after leaving the
earth plane in the late 1800's he began working with El Moyra, Kuthumi and
St. Germain to assist them in the research of Helen Blavatsky.
Yellow Ray - Solar Plexus . Kuthumi is the chohan or master of
the second ray, which is deep blue and governs Divine love, wisdom and truth
and understand. He is a member of the Brotherhood of Golden Robe, those
who take on the pain of world. He has an etheric retreat at Machu Picchu.
In past incarnations he was Pythagoras, bringing in sacred geometry and the
music of the spheres. He was the wise man, Balthazar, Shah Jahan and St Francis
of Assisi. He works with Archangel Jophiel, and helps to touch people with
wisdom & illumination, tact, foresight, consideration and friendliness.
He works particularly with teachers, students, architect, ambassador and
the artistic. He comes to those who seek knowledge in this time of
change. Some say his previous incarnations are said to be John the Divine,
Casper (one of the three Wise Men) among the others listed.
Message from
Babaji Babaji is the immortal master of the Himalayas, known as
the deathless avatar. He was initiated into Kriya Yoga and became the greatest
Siddha or Perfected Master ever known. After ascension he promised to stay
in his physical body to help all humanity and still appears to groups of
disciples. Yogananda writes about him in Autobiography of a Yogi. It is said
that you only have to say his name with reverence and you directly attract
a blessing from him. Babaji History
See Almora Baba: below
Melchizedek is an ancient cosmic being in charge of the order
of Melchizedek, This brotherhood organizes the Mystery School, which holds
the secrets of God, the Universe and the true history of the planet, and
is working to establish heaven on Earth. Jesus was a high priest in the Order
of Melchizedek. All humans belong at some level to this order.
Sanat Kumara, also called "The Ancient of Days" and "youth of endless
summers." From Venus, he has assisted humanity from the lighter realms perhaps
longer than any other master. He has also been the "planetary logos" for
Earth, its prime overseer. Sanat Kumara is the Planetary Logos, apparently
the greatest of the Avatars. He is the God of this Universe and He oversees
ascension initiations in the inner planes. He has an Ascension seat in Shamballa,
over Gobi Desert, where you may ask to go in meditation.
Sanat Kumara
Vywamus - the higher self of Sanat Kumara. Vywamus is the higher
self of Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara is the Master of Shamballa, also known
as The Ancient of Days, who ensouled the Earth up until recently. Vywamus
is reported to have had 32 lives in a physical existence in another galaxy,
one of which included being a channel. An expert in communication and channeling
Vywamus is specifically focusing the energies of joy, laughter and self love
to aid Earth and humanity in their evolution to higher consciousness. A very
high frequency energy bringing profound wisdom on a mass level concerning
the relationship between humanity and our planet Earth. Assists in the Ascension
Process. He is very much concerned with the Ascension of planet Earth. Ascension
is achieved by increasing the amount of Light and the amount of Love that
your cellular structure can hold. This Light and this Love is flowing from
the Source.
Quan Yin
Quan Yin, the great goddess and Mother of Compassion, loved and revered
throughout Asia. A beautiful expression of Divine Mother. Mercy means there
is more assistance given through love than through merit earned. Following
her ascension Kwan Yin turned back to save others and made this pledge -
"Never will I seek, nor receive, private individual salvation, never will
I enter into final peace alone, but forever and everywhere will I live and
strive for the redemption of every creature throughout the world from the
bonds of conditioned existence". Kwan Yin is associated with the earth,
fertility, and birth, and healing. She has also brought forth the energies
of Magnified Healing. Quan Yin is known as the Goddess of Compassion
and is often depicted riding on a dragon. She is the eastern counterpart
of Mother Mary and she works to balance the feminine energy. She is one of
the Lords of Karma representing the sixth ray. Isis carried the same 'mother
energy' in Egyptian and Hinduism, Shakti (Vishnu's wife), Pavarti (Shiva's
wife) and Sita (Rama's wife). Her proper name is Kuanshih Yin and means "She
who harkens to the cries of the world". She is honored in Japan and China.
A Celestial Bodhisatva and Ascended Master.
Sri Ramakrishna
A devotee of the Divine Mother as Kali, Ramakrishna (1836-1886) is
widely revered as one of the greatest Hindu saints. Beloved for his great
devotion, he experimented intensively with other religious paths, including
Christianity and Islam. He taught a universal love and understanding of all
Maitreya, whose name is derived from the Sanskrit maitri, meaning universal
love, is known to Buddhists as the embodiment of loving kindness. Some believe
this planetary master was Krishna, and that he inspired the life of Jesus.
Maitreya is a Buddha, working diligently behind the scenes to enlighten humanity
and birth the age of light. He is the planetary Christ who overlit
Jesus during his lifetime and is the head of the Great White Brotherhood.
Lord Maitreya was an incarnation of Krishna. He works to enlighten humanity
and bring in the new Golden Age. Lord Maitreya is the being who holds
the office of the Christ-Grid frequency for our planet. This is the new grid
system of higher evolution. He is the head of the Spiritual Hierachy and
is often called the "Master of Masters". He has served this position for
2500 years and is an aspect of Jesus/Sananda.
Lahiri Mahasaya was a 19th Century Indian master of rare attainment
and a direct disciple of the immortal Himalayan master Babaji. In a wonderful
account in Autobiography of a Yogi, Babaji gave the ancient Kriya Yoga to
Lahiri, who taught this great enlightenment tool for decades in Banares
Meher Baba
Meher Baba, a great Indian master born in 1894. A profound being of
light and wisdom, he was strongly connected with Sufism. He did not speak
from 1925 until he left his body in 1969. "Don't worry, be happy" comes from
him, a simple phrase which, if followed, is a life-transformer! The book
God Speaks shares his teachings and aspects of his life
Goddess Hathor, who represents an ascended civilization of the fourth and
fifth dimensions. The Hathors are giving loving assistance and profound ascension
teachings to humanity and Earth.
Ramana Maharshi
Attaining sudden self-realization at the age of 16, Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950)
is one of the great sages of modern India. On the holy mountain Arunachalam,
he taught seekers to meditate upon the question "Who am I?" He wrote, "One
can thus attain immortal consciousness and awaken to the true self, God,
the real nature of man."
Paramahansa Yogananda, the Indian yogi who at Babaji's request came
to America in 1920. He founded the Self Realization Fellowship based in Los
Angeles. There he founded the Self Realization Fellowship and introduced
kriya yoga to the west. He authored Autobiography of a Yogi and other works.
He has introduced millions to Eastern ways of enlightenment, and done enormous
good in the world.
Sri Yukteswar
Sri Yukteswar was a great and revered master and the beloved guru of Paramahansa
Yogananda in India in the early 1900s. He was one of the few gurus who deserve
absolute trust. He was the disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya, who was the disciple
of the immortal Mahavatar Babaji.
The Great Divine Director
observes every lifestream at a certain point, and when they can be
of assistance to man-kind, he transmutes their human creation. He is a Member
of the Karmic Board, representing the first ray. He represents an action
similar to the Christ Self (Higher Mental Body) to mankind. He will give
assistance to adjust things in legal matters.
Gautama Buddha
Gautama - the Buddha, was one of the great enlightened ones. He taught detachment
and the middle way. The Buddha represents the wisdom energy while Christ
is the love energy and they are brother\sister equal energies.Ascended 2500
years ago, Buddha "gave it all up" to find meaning in life and the reason
why some suffered so much. It was during a meditation under the Bodhi Tree
that he received Enlightenment. Buddhism was formed out of his Teachings.
Gautama Buddha
Lady Portia
Portia is one of the Lords of Karma representing the Seventh Ray on that
Board. She became Spokesman June 27, 1954, in honor of SAINT GERMAIN having
become the presiding Master for the next two thousand year cycle.
She holds the balance of mercy and judgment. She helps those who want
to balance heart and head. She will also help those who judge and criticise
others from the lower mind to raise their energy to their heart centre and
be loving towards themselves and others. You may apply in meditation to the
Lords of Karma for release of personal or collective karma. If you do this,
ask if karma may be released on every level - physical, mental emotional
and spiritual, in evey dimension and in every reality and universe. Lady
Portia is one who frequently offers grace. One can call to Her for assistance
in legal action. Her electronic pattern is the Maltese Cross."
Krishna, incarnated 5000 years ago as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Born as a cowherd boy, Krishna displayed his perfect divinity with the all
attractive features of wealth, power, fame, beauty, wisdom and detachment.
He was a slayer of demonic tyrants and enchanted all with the music of his
flute. It is said that he overshadowed Jesus 2000 years ago, and Krishna
is believed by some to have reappeared as Lord Maitreya in modern times.
Twin Flame / Divine Complement / Twin Ray: Lakshmi Also known
as: Krsna, Vishnu , Embodied as: Krishna, King Rama, Vamana, Parasurama
Sananda is the risen name (spiritual identity) of the physical human
known as Jesus of Nazareth. .The spiritual mentor who ensures that, ultimately,
our evolutionary path and spiritual growth is sustained in accordance with
our souls' highest spiritual aims. To do so, his energy is in contact with
each of us at all times, guiding us from the higher realms to embrace self
loving choices and actions in our daily lives and improve our understanding
and practice of Unconditional Love. This beloved master has showed
humanity that death can be overcome and that love, forgiveness and compassion
are our true nature. "What I have done you can do and more". Like all great
masters Jesus did not come to be worshipped, he came to teach humanity how
to become Christ like.
Lord Metatron:
One of major Archangels, as well as Chief Elohim. Assigned by Mother/Father
God to be in charge of this present Creation, which is sixth of ten Creations
provided for by Divine Plan. He is the twin brother of the angel Sandalphon.
He was Enoch in an earthly incarnation.
Messages From the "Keys of Enoch", Metatron is called
the Almighty Eternal Lord and Divine Voice of the Father. Considered the
Creator of the outer worlds, a teacher and guide to Enoch and creator of
the Keys. He is also a co-worker with Zoroaster.
Enoch The
patriarch Enoch, who "walked with God," was the Messenger of Sanat Kumara,
the Ancient of Days, spoken of in the Book of Daniel. In the Book of Enoch,
Enoch records the revelations of Sanat Kumara on the true nature and deeds
of the fallen angels.
in 551 B.C., he had to support his mother after his fathers early death.
He was educated in music, history, poetry and sports, and was a gentleman
as well as a scholar. After his mothers death, and at the end of his morning
period, he became a teacher of the 6 disciplines - poetry, music, history,
government, etiquette and divination. Eventually he became the Chief Justice
in his State, as was known as K'ung Fu-Tse in China. He later received a
prestigious post that allowed him to spend the rest of his life compiling
his writings, which are now called Confucian Classics. Confucianism arose
from his teachings, the essence of them being to strive for perfect virtue
in every thought, word and deed. Was an early incarnation of Ascended Master
Djwhal Khul. Confucius Biography
Chaturthi This Hindu festival commemorates the birth of Ganesha, the
son of Shiva (the Third Person of the Hindu Trinity). Ganesha, the god of
wisdom and good fortune and the patron of learning and letters, is popular
because he is gentle and helpful. Ganesha is depicted as an elephant-headed
man to express the unity of man, the small being, with the Great Being, God.
The Messenger teaches that the elephant-god Ganesha has the infinite memory
of the Mind of God. Hindus believe Ganesha can remove obstacles, including
obstacles to devotion. He is traditionally invoked before writing a book
or at the beginning of any project. Elephant God of India. He is in
charge of removing all obstacles.
religious reformer and founder of Zoroastrianism. Connected with occult knowledge
and magical practices in the Hellenistic Age.
(Or Zarathrustra). Persian
messenger of Ahura Mazda (Sanat Kumara, or Enoch). Now the Ascended Master
Zarathrustra. Slain with 80 priests whilst officiating in the temple, by
an invading Persian army. In Old Persian he was called Zarathrustra or Zarthost.
In a Greek transliteration he was known as Zoroaster.
Padre Pio
Pio, a humble Capuchin priest from San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, was blessed
by God in many wonderful and mysterious ways. The most dramatic was the stigmata.
Padre Pio bore the wounds of Christ for fifty years! Among his other gifts
were perfume, bilocation, prophecy, conversion, reading of souls, and miraculous
cures. People are still being cured through his intercession in ways that
cannot be explained by medicine or science. More important, if less
spectacular, are the spiritual healings that take place in all parts of the
world! Padre Pio is a powerful intercessor!!
Milarepa is one of the most widely known Tibetan Saints. In a superhuman
effort, he rose above the miseries of his younger life and with the help
of his Guru, Marpa the Translator, took to a solitary life of meditation
until he had achieved the pinnacle of the enlightened state, never to be
born again into the Samsara (whirlpool of life and death) of worldly existence.
Out of compassion for humanity, he undertook the most rigid asceticism to
reach the Buddhic state of enlightenment and to pass his accomplishments
on to the rest of humanity. His spiritual lineage was passed along to his
chief disciples, Gambopa and Rechung. It was Rechung who recorded in detail
the incidents of Milarepa's life for posterity.
Afra -
Afra is
the patron of Africa and of the black race. Afra was the first member of
the black race to make his ascension. Long ago, he sacrificed name and fame
to sponsor a vast continent and a mighty people. When Afra ascended, he asked
to be called simply "a brother," or frater, in Latin. And so "a frater" became
the name Afra. The black race was originally part of what was known as the
blue race and the violet race. Their skin actually had either a blue or a
violet hue. He offers to help us reconnect and maintain our deep connection
to Spirit, and follow its innate rhythm throughout every area of our lives.
He wishes to help us express our Higher Self energies which are always available
to us.
prophet Elijah ascended to God in a "chariot of fire". As prophesied by Malachi,
Elijah returned to earth to go before Jesus as John the Baptist. Thus, as
both Elijah and John the Baptist, He served as God's Messenger.
John the
Baptist Elijah -
embodied as John the
Saint Teresa of Avila
- Saint
Teresa of Avila, sixteenth-century reformer of the Carmelite order in Spain,
often communed with Jesus. He once told her, "Don't neglect to write down
what I say . . . I shall give you a living book." Her original name was Teresa
de Cepeda y Ahumada, and her chosen name as a nun was Theresa of Jesus. She
came of a well-to-do noble family. She entered the Carmelite order (possibly
in 1536). Much later she underwent (c.1555) a “second conversion,”
after which she experienced mystic visions.
St. Theresa of Avila
is familiar
as a lady in King Arthur's court. Her name is also listed as an ascended
master in Samuel George Partridge's book, "Golden Moments With the Ascended
Masters," on the third ray of love, cohesion and gratitude. She is associated
with the medieval mystic and reformer, St. Theresa of Avila, who founded
Carmelite convents in Spain. She believed in absolute poverty, chastity,
and obedience in selfless service to God. Lady Rowena wears a Celtic cross
on her medieval headdress. Her deep, dark eyes seem to pierce through all
defenses to the soul. She encourages others to follow her path of self-discipline
to mastery.
Hermes Trismegistus,
"thrice blessed"), the Planetary Council Member from Mercury, Lotus, an initiate
in the Luxor Mystery School, and Thoth, the ibis-headed Egyptian god of scribes,
narrate these stories of ancient Egypt. Hermes Trismegistus, ancient Egyptian
sage, was called the "scribe of the gods." Hierarch of Second Ray - The Matrix
Synthesizer Focal Point - Long Stone, Isle of Wight, England - Hermes
- Hierarch of the Second Ray Hermes, a God with Greek and Egyptian origins,
who was most noted for his swift consciousness, was later portrayed by the
Romans as the winged footed Mercury. The skillful and dexterous patron of
alchemists, commerce, esoteric scholars, gymnasts, and travellers, he carried
the caduceus rod with entwined serpents. A philosophical intellectual,
contemplative mystic, arcane writer, mysteries theologian, intuitive magician,
pious sage, and wisdom psychologist, Hermes is an extremely complex, mutable,
and versatile individual with a penchant for solving puzzling perplexities
and for transforming by reconciling opposites. (Hermes was the Greek
name for the Egyptian Thoth ) The offspring of Hermes are believed
to be Pan, Abderus and Hermaphroditus -
is now the Ascended Master God Mercury, whom Ascended Master El Morya has
called "the archetype of the Messenger of the Gods."
Mary Magdalene
Wife of Jesus, and "the Disciple of the Disciples". She was a powerful force
in the early Christian movement. It is little known that she is the wife
of Jesus and spread his teachings after His death. She is the author of the
Gospel of Mary and other spiritual writings. Because of her power and popularity
the early church fathers slandered her and did all that they could to cover
up her true relationship with Jesus. She has no relationship at all to the
nameless adulteress mentioned in the Bible. Many believe that Mary Magdalen
and Jesus bloodline is the long-sought Holy Grail.
made the ascension four hundred years ago. She has golden hair.
The fragrance of heather often surrounds her, caused by an experience from
a former life in 11th century Scotland. If you call on Leto, she can
assist you in remembering your activities, while you are Out Of Body (OBE
or sleeping). She can also teach students to leave the body and return at
will.. We can also call to her for The Coat Of Invisibility. Healing is also
one of her services. During a plague, Leto released The Cosmic Healing Flame
(directed by The Great Divine Director), and after a few days, the
plague was stopped. She has been in Service to Mankind for more than 300
years. Leto was the lady who joined Guy Ballard (founder of the I AM Movement)
on his journey from New York to France. In an address given to the students,
some time ago, Ascended Lady Master Leto said that the records showing man's
sojourn on Earth are preserved in their original language in which they were
written at the Royal Teton where an Ascended Master can translate them into
any modern tongue. Not before long, these records will be given to the outer
Lord Of The Wind' was the first human ever to ascend from the Earth 35,000
years ago. Known as Lord Rama in the Hindu tradition, Ramtha reappeared on
Earth in 1977 to JZ Knight who is his exclusive channel. Ramtha was one of
13 Ascended Masters who organised the incarnation of Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus
Christ). Ramtha has been at the leading edge of teachings on ascension and
enlightenment for the last 25 years from his mystery school in Yelm,
Thoth/Hermes - a demi-god - 'a Place
Taker' a son of P'taah and keeper of divine secret knowledge. Thoth
is most often depicted as wearing an ibis mask, with the head of an ibis,
a large bird of the Nile. Egyptians associated the ibis's long curved beak
with the moon. The ibis was regarded as one of Thoth's Earthly representatives.
In Egyptian mythology, Thoth was the god of the moon, god of wisdom, the
measurer of time, and the inventor of writing and numbers. He is credited
with devising the standard 365-day year. Thoth was depicted with a symbol
combining the Sun's disk and the Moon's crescent upon his head, and - in
words reminiscent of the biblical adoration of the Celestial Lord - the Egyptian
inscriptions and legends said of Thoth that his knowledge and powers of
calculating 'measured out the heavens and planned the Earth'.Thoth was the
'god of the equilibrium' and considered depictions of him as the 'Master
of the Balance' to indicate that he was associated with the equinoxes - the
time when the day and the night were balanced. He was also the brother of
Marduk/RA - a demi-god. His mate was Seshat. Scribe of the Gods. Thoth was
one of the most powerful Gods worshiped throughout Egypt. He was known as
Tehuti, or Thoth, "master of divine words and sacred writing." Thoth
later became Merlin, St. Germaine, etc.
Seshat is the Goddess of Libraries, all forms of Writing and the Measurement
of Time. The Egyptians believed that Seshat invented writing, while Thoth
taught writing to mankind. She was known as 'Mistress of the House of Books',
indicating that she also took care of Thoth's library of spells and
St. Germain
St. Germain - The Seventh Ray of Freedom and Transmutation :
Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst are the archangels of the seventh ray
Elohim Arcturus and Victoria are the Elohim of the seventh ray
Omri-Tas. Is the Ruler of the Violet Planet
Saint Germain's twin flame is the Ascended Lady Master Portia
Saint Germain is the Lord of the Violet Ray
The Path of The Alchemist/Transformation
Earthly incarnations: Francis Bacon, High Priest on Atlantis, Samuel the
Prophet , Alban, Roman Soldier, Teacher of Neoplatonists, Merlin, Roger Bacon,
Christopher Columbus, Wonderman of Europe . The Count St. Germain,
known as the "Wonder Man of Europe" in the 1700's. He looked the same for
100 years, spoke every language, traveled by thought, fed the poor, and worked
for peace. He took his body into light (ascended), and now works with humanity
mostly from the lighter realms.
Saint Germain is Chohan of the Seventh Ray, the violet ray, of freedom,
alchemy, justice, mercy and transmutation. He is the sponsor of the United
States of America and the hierarch of the age of Aquarius, who comes bearing
the gift of the violet flame for world change. He tutors and initiates souls
in mastery of the seat-of-the-soul chakra, preparing them to receive the
Holy Spirit’s gifts of prophecy and the working of miracles.
Two of his well-known embodiments were Christopher Columbus and Merlin
the magician, a spiritual adept who has unfortunately been mythologized.
In a series of recent embodiments from the prophet Samuel to Francis Bacon,
Saint Germain was the all-pervasive mind, laying the empirical foundation
for an age of enlightenment, pushing back the barriers of limitation in the
physical and spiritual sciences. As Roger Bacon he directed and inspired
devotees of the sacred science, then in his embodiment as Saint Germain,
the Wonderman of Europe, he outpictured the quintessence of the alchemists’
dream for all to see.
The Ascended Master Saint Germain teaches that the highest alchemy is
the transformation of one’s human consciousness into the divinity of
the Higher Self. He stands ready to assist all souls in this endeavor. He
has also said he would release the technology of the Aquarian age when the
nations shall have put behind them the destructive uses of science and religion
to accept the challenge which lies at the heart of both, which is for man
to enter his heart and the nucleus of the atom and to harness from both the
unlimited spiritual and physical resources to establish the golden age.
His etheric retreats are located over Transylvania in Romania and Table
Mountain in Wyoming.
He wrote in cipher, "I trusteth all to the future and a land that is
very far towards the sunset gate....I keep the future ever in my plan, looking
for my reward, not to my times and countrymen, but to a people very far off,
and an age not like our own, but a second golden age of learning."
Having discovered the continent and encouraged its colonization, he must
also insure a proper foundation for the new nation. Saint Germain stood by
George Washington throughout the Revolution and during the winter at Valley
Forge. His past efforts in initiating the society of Freemasons had enfired
many of the key figures of the Revolution. General Washington, Alexander
Hamilton, James Madison, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin and as many as
fifty-three out of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence
were all members of the Masonic order, whose principles had guided them in
founding the new nation. Further, Saint Germain called for the signing of
the Declaration of Independence, directed the writing of the Constitution
and anointed Washington first President of the United States.
America was secured as the land of opportunity and Saint Germain devoted
himself to the raising of the consciousness of her people.
In the twentieth century, the Master went before the Lords of Karma
to plead the cause of freedom for and on behalf of the original 576 he has
sponsored, expanding that circle to include the Lightbearers of all
centuries--the original Keepers of the Flame who came with Sanat Kumara as
well as the children of God who had been evolving unto the spiritual gifts
and graces through earth's numerous ages.
However, as the decades have passed, the rate of increase in the return of
mankind's karma has precipitated what is known as the Dark Cycle--the era
of Chaos and old Night whose signs are foretold in Revelation, even as the
hoof beats of the Four Horsemen can be heard throughout the land.
Let us listen to the prophet Samuel--dubbed Uncle Sam by his people--who
has indeed begun to sound his prophecy to the chosen. He has warned that
the I AM Race--those who have the seed of the name I AM THAT I AM within
their hearts--"have not hearkened unto the LORD, nor have they fulfilled
the wholeness of the Law." Therefore, the Master says:
Some among this people must be and become direct initiates
of Sanat Kumara, for always there has been the requirement of the ransom.
Let those who are the inner circle of the devotees, those who are the first
fruits who come and stand as the ensign of the people, raise up the banner
of Christ as the one whom they serve, the one who by his very Communion promise
at the Last Supper designated each and every son and daughter of God for
the internalization of the Word...
Unfortunately, and this word is mild, but it is unfortunate
indeed that the laws of Christ and his Teachings, so meticulously brought
forth to the close initiates, are not fully known today, having been taken
even from the holy people. Therefore, to obey Christ becomes the challenge
of the hour--to find the Person of that Christ, to find the Way and the
You have received the lost Word and the lost Teachings
of Jesus Christ through our effort....As a result of this, you have been
strengthened and protected in that Word and Teaching. And some from among
you have taken their leave at the conclusion of their embodiment and gone
on in the full resurrection with Jesus Christ....Thus, the proof of the Teaching
and the Path is that it leads one successively to that higher and higher
consciousness where unto the individual is assumed into the very heart of
the I AM Presence [becoming indeed the pure Person of that Christ].
Today, as we see the cycles of
earth's returning karma reach a mounting crescendo wherein even the four
sacred freedoms are threatened, the Brotherhood has set aside a place in
America's Rocky Mountains for the pursuit of the Lost Teachings of Christ
to their fullest expression.
Saint Germain spoke of it in 1983 when he said that we
have come "to a similar moment to that of that final hour of the golden age
when I presided where the Sahara now is. My family is much larger than it
was then, for I include every one of you who love me as my very own family....
In that hour, our family was taken to the golden etheric city of light. In
this hour, we have summoned you to a higher place in the mountains of the
Our beloved Saint Germain and his twin flame, the Ascended Lady Master
Compiled by Dee Finney