Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A World Of Joy And Happiness

Master Hilarion Update Oct 19/09 Weekly Message from the Ascended Master Hilarion
October 18 – 25, 2009
http://www.therainb/ owscribe. com/hilarionswee klymessage. htm

Beloved Lightworkers,

This week I come to speak to you about the energies once again. There is a great cleansing occurring and there are many who have pretended to be of the Light who are finding themselves being exposed for who they really are. These are the agents that could be termed ‘double agents’. We ask you, Beloved Lightworkers, to become very discerning about whom you give your energy and attention to. It is by their works that you shall know those who are not who they present themselves as, even to the extent of offering advanced services to the Lightworkers in terms of initiations and activations.
Those who are offering their services to truly help Lightworkers and Awakening Ones, have a High energy emanating from them, and this is a palpable energy even when you visit their websites. This is the energy of a highest vibration which is Love. You will instantly feel this Love within your heart chakra and know that you are in the presence of one of the transformed Ones. One who walked through the Spiritual fires of trial and tribulation and emerged shining and purified, having overcome all of their tests and initiations. These were set up many ages ago as a way to ensure that only those of the purest intention and character could have access to the most arcane knowledge that required these attributes.
Each of you has been walking this Path of Light. The important initiations occur on the Inner Planes and most of you do not remember the ceremonies that you partook in. Walking the Path of Light requires absolute integrity, honesty, honor and the clarity of truth. These initiations become progressively more refined as you continue successfully on your Path of Light. Those who are High Initiates know that great self discipline and restraint is involved, it requires opening Oneself up to unwavering scrutiny of Self, to purify all aspects of duality and lower vibrational thoughts, feelings, actions and deeds. It requires letting go of the eating of flesh in most cases, it requires taking on a more purified diet, drinking pure, clean water and breathing techniques.
These requirements have been somewhat modified because there are so many of you now incarnated upon the Earth. Many of you still consume foods that have no life force energy in them at all - which includes most of today’s packaged products. Anything that is not fresh from the vine or branch, has already lost a great deal of its life force. We see many more of you in future years understanding the need to expect high life force energy in every food that you consume, so this will be changing the way that food is prepared for your consumption. The desire for processed foods of no food value will fall away and as a consequence of this, the health of all individuals will be improved tremendously.
Do try to become aware of what you ingest into your bodies, for your body is your Temple, a sacred vessel that houses your Great I AM Presence and is the instrument that manifests this Presence upon this World. As you cleanse and purify your physical bodies, the World around you becomes more pristine and healthy. We see that when enough of Humanity chooses to stop the eating of meat, the air will be cleaner and the energies in the Earth’s atmosphere will be Lighter. When the respect for all of Creation is honored, the Earth will indeed be a better place. As the body Temples are kept purified, so too, the emotions of joy and equilibrium become the norm for each Soul who walks the Earth. So you can see, Beloved Ones, there is still much work to be done.
Those of you who heed these words will find the Ascension process much easier to deal with, for there will be less dross taking away your higher energy in order to keep your physical bodies in a balanced state. A truly healthy body is a joy to manifest in. A truly healthy body permits all the Highest vibrations to flow through unencumbered in any way and so there will be great and inspiring creations, poetry, art, sculpture, in many modalties that will come forth from Humanity, who will joyfully express their talents and abilities as their contribution of energy exchange. The enjoyment of these creations by your fellows will be the energy exchange that they give in return. Can you fathom such a World? That is what will eventually transpire for each of you. All of your efforts at this time will be worth it, Dear Ones.
Try to imagine such a World and spend some time each day visualizing a World where everyone is doing that which gives them joy and happiness each and every day, a World where one does not have to rush off in heavy traffic to work for eight hours and then slowly find their way home through heavy traffic, in order to make payments on a house and property that you cannot even enjoy because of being too busy in the striving for it to truly do what you love. This will change, Dear Ones, there will be a different way, a better way, and you it is who is creating this now.

Until next week…..
I AM Hilarion

© 2009 Marlene Swetlishoff
This Message may be shared with others provided that Scribe's name, copyright, and this link is included: http://www.therainb owscribe. com

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Spiritual Portal Opening Message From Master Saint Germain

About September 9th, 2009:
Unconditional Love

"As you are well aware, there were many 9-9-9 gatherings sprinkled all over the planet.

The magical date and planetary configurations created a strong portal for new, high frequency energies to enter into the Earth. These energies are essential for the raising of all life and the Earth for Ascension. The many sincere prayers and activations were of great service to the planet and to yourselves. They allowed the energy to deepen and successfully penetrate the density still within your realms.

After such a high energy time, it is perfectly normal and expected that there will be an energetic let down afterwards. Please understand this is just a balancing of the higher energies that you experienced. Clearing out that which comes up is necessary to deeply integrate the new energy and frequency that was received.

Be gentle with yourself and do not judge any feelings of let down as failure on your part. You are perfect and did very well -- well done! Use the Violet Flame and know that the expansion you felt during that time will, and can, soon be your level of what you would call normal. Be kind to yourself, be sure to get plenty of sleep and eat pure foods that will nourish your body.

By joyous and know, deep in your heart, how precious you are.

From the higher realms we see you all as bright shining stars and encourage you to go forth and share that light with all you encounter. You will be receiving more transformational downloads of energy and blessings for many months to follow. "

New Message

"I have mentioned this to many of you before, and want to remind you of the paramount importance of clearing your emotional body. This is the MOST important task of all for your personal Ascension.

The many varied emotions that you feel and experience are of the human, not the Divine. They block you from being able to embody your True Essence. Even those that you may think are high frequency emotions are not what you believe them to be. For instance, it is commonly accepted by the current collective consciousness that LOVE is a high and desired state to achieve. . . . Not necessarily.

There are many types of love, most of which are third dimensional traps. Any emotion that causes you any type of pain or strong attachments is a trap. Romantic love is certainly one, yet most of you are desiring to find your soul mate or your twin flame, thinking that is the ultimate romantic love and is a desirous goal. Romantic love has so many conditions, expectations and pain. It is what all your songs and stories revolve around and it traps you into a lower spiral, no matter how elevated you expect it to be.

I truly understand how this information may product sadness or even anger and disbelief within you. Yet it is my deep love for you that commands me to reveal the truth to you as it is my desire to see each one of you completely free and ascended.

The desired state of love is that of the Christ Consciousness Unconditional Love. That is the love we of the higher realms have for you and all of life. It is nowhere similar to romantic love or the love of a parent for a child. It is difficult to understand and embody from the earthly realm, however, if one truly clears the emotional body of all emotions, including romantic and other conditional forms of love, higher love can enter.

Use my Violet Flame often and sincerely to clear your emotion body. Ask to understand, experience and embody Christ Consciousness Unconditional Love. Know that it is a state of Being, not an emotion, feeling, or thought. It is what one becomes as an ascended being.

I send you my love and blessings." -- Ascended Master Saint Germain

Please visit our websites ~ ~ ~

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Archangel Michael October 2009 Update

THE DANCE OF LOVE AND PEACE THE ENERGIES FOR OCTOBER 2009 Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

"The Pink Heart" by Ofira Oriel of Israel at Beloved Lightworkers, so now you enter into the flow of energy that will create the month of October! Indeed, you have passed through the powerful "portal" or dimensional gateway of the 9:9 on the 9th of September, and now you are flowing towards the 10:10 on the 10th of October. At the 9:9 you were able to experience an ending and a new beginning. The 10:10 will be a 1:1 doorway, an entry to new levels of experience and awareness that will culminate at the 11:11 gateway, when you will experience the full impact of the new energies in new levels of awareness. At the 12:12 in December and at the December Solstice, you will be guided into a powerful new understanding of your work as a creative expression of Divine Love on Earth. Indeed, beloved Lightworkers, December and January will be months of transition, bridging energies away from the old and into the New that wll be expressed in the first half of the year 2010.

So, Beloved Ones, let us now focus on this month of October. The Full Moon falls at the beginning of the month, on the 4th. The Moon will be in Aries and the Sun in Libra. At this time, the energies of BALANCE will be most important. Can you hold your inner balance in PEACE and LOVE at this time? Can you center in your I AM presence and be at PEACE with yourself and all others, and at the same time, can you be part of the One Heart and the One Mind. Can you say "I AM" and also "WE ARE", together as ONE? Beloved Souls, in this New Energy, it will be necessary to be able to feel yourself as part of the wider community and to feel as "one" with others, and to feel that from your Heart. The question that is now being asked of you is "how may you serve the new energies and the new light?". What will you do to be a full expression of the Love of Source that is being transmitted through you?

At the time of the New Moon, on the 18th, it will be a good time to meditate on your relationship with your community and how you may best serve that community by being a bearer of the New Codes and energies for the New Earth. Meditate on how you can be an expression of Love just be Being Who You Are and by fully expressing Who You Are. Remember, Beloved Ones, that each of you carries the Divine Flame within your Heart, and each one of you is an expression of the Divine Love and Grace of God. It is only for you to exercise your free will and to choose how you, as an individual, will be an expression of the Divine Grace within the One Energy of Community.

In this month too, the old energies of the Atlantean Negative Codes continues to be released on very deep levels, to allow for it to be replaced with the Light of the New Earth Codes that are guiding the Evolution of Humanity on its Journey into Higher Expressions of Light. The old trauma of the Atlantean "disaster" continues to reverberate through the psyches of those who seek to hold onto the old ways of power and control and manipulation. Beloved Ones, know that those who seek these darker paths do so because they feel a deep inner fear and a sense of guilt and unworthiness. They fear that they have "failed" and that God has abandonned them, so they need to try to control their own destiny instead of allowing their destiny to be a part of the greater plan of Love and Compassion. And, when you enter into dramas of duality with such ones, you merely reinforce their sense of unworthiness and lack. Far better it is, dear ones, to forgive such ones and to release then from their roles as bearers of the illusion of darkness. For when you forgive, then you release. You do not condone actions that are based in low vibrations of fear, but you release the effects that such energies may have on you.

Now, as for the Negative Atlantean Codes and the energies of "victim" that are surging through the Collective to be released, we will say that FORGIVENESS is the first step. Forgive, Release, and let go. The Victim Dramas are not part of the New Earth, nor ever will be. As you forgive those who still seek to perpetuate those dramas, you also release yourself from being drawn into the weavings of this very old trauma based energy. And, you move upwards into the clear Spiral of Light that expresses the Divine Energies of COMPASSION and BEAUTY and KINDNESS and CREATIVITY and PEACE.

For, Beloved Ones, in this month of October, you will be challenged to make that choice to be a vessel for the flow of the energies of PEACE and COMPASSION. Now, firstly, Compassion is not a passive energy, it is the active expression of Divine Passion, the Divine Passion to Love and to Create. Those who express Compassion are those who are motivated by Love to be an expression of Divine Grace and Peace. And, Beloved Ones, Peace is not just the absence of war and aggression. Peace is the Active Energy of Creation expressing itself through Harmony and Balance and Love. PEACE is an energy that Flows and Creates! It creates Joy within communities and Contentment within the Hearts of people. To be an "instrument of God's Peace" is to bring Joy and Contentment to those places where they are lacking. And, beloved ones, when you are awakened and awake, each one of you has the the ability to be a vessel of Peace, just by being who you are and centered in your heart. When you offer yourself in the service of this energy, then you will be shown new opportunities to be a Light to the Earth, and to express Compassion, Tenderness, Intimacy, Beauty, and Grace to all that you meet.

Beloved Ones, we will say that the creation or weaving of Peace is the Dance of Love on the Earth. You hear the Divine Music coming from the Great Heart of Source, and being echoed in the Heart of the Earth Mother. And so, as you align with the Divine Tones and Sounds, and the Divine Colors and Forms, you begin to weave your life and to move in harmony with the Divine Music. As a skilled dancer, you follow the flow of the music and each step is an expression of that music in Time and Space.

You are the Dancer and Life is the Dance! You are the Music - you are the Artist, Creator and Weaver! When you weave with the Conscious Intention to follow Divine Harmony as it flows,you become One with the Divine Dance of Love. You become the Dance of Love, and where you are people hear the Music of the Dance and they feel inspired to begin to dance themselves. And soon, everyone is moving in alignmenmt, everyone is dancing the dance of Love that is called Peace. So, Beloved Ones, we ask, in this month of October, that you center in your Hearts, that you hold your Inner Peace, and become a Living Expression of the Dance of Love. The Energies for October The Full Moon in Aries falls on the 4th of October, and the New Moon in Libra, on the 18th of October. The 10:10 portal on the 10th of October will also provide momentum in the unfolding and experience of the New Earth energies. The sun moves from Libra into Scorpio on the 23rd of October, and the energy will then shift towards an inner focus of awareness and inner light as you move towards the 11:11 portal in November. We wish you Joy and Peace as you Dance with the Music of Divine Love in the month of October.
© 2009-10 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Angelic Realms

The Angels
Channelled through Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
23rd September, 2009
Many of you have reached up to the Heavenly realms asking for help, assistance, and miracles. Never before have the Heavenly Hosts and the Angels heard such a cry. Never before have we issued millions of angels to come forth and wrap themselves all around Earth.

In the Angelic World, we wear many forms colors and energies. Sometimes we come forth as a single drop of rain upon your face. Sometimes we come forth as a breeze touching your cheek. Sometimes we can be seen in the clouds as a brilliant luminosity. Sometimes we are a single tiny dot of light and other times we are big enough to embrace all of Earth. We vary in size in color and light. We vary in jobs and in position and in understandings of humans. We are not those who have fallen from death on your planet. We are a completely different type of being, one who listens to your every beck and call. The Heavenly Father issued you to be in charge of us. Finally, after so long, we are set free to do our job, to love and protect you. Each one of you has a multitude of us around you. We flit about as a butterfly in a palace rose garden.

When you were born you were given an angelic guardian. We come forth to allow you the experience the grace, the glory of peace amongst all the turmoil. We are what brings a smile to your face in the midst of a hectic day when just for a moment you remember us and just for a moment you experience peace.

We are just as real as you are. We are just at a different frequency of light. We cry for you, we laugh with you, we talk about you, we think about you - for we are in love with you. We are in love with your joys, and we are saddened by your hurts. For every part of you resonates to a part of us, but we need your full attention as you move through these next time sequences. Send us to the battlefields. Send us to those that sleep in fear. Send us to those that hurt. We are to be issued to all of humanity. Unfortunately you only call to us in times of despair, but we are here always.

Allow us to come into your world, to run your errands of light, to run your errands of hope, to run your errands of healing. It is our job as we serve the creator for you. Do not keep packing your soul with heavy burdens: allow us, by your asking, to lighten your load literally. Send us to those you are worried about. Send us to those who only think of themselves and no one else. Send us into the day before you venture out. The miracles are held in our hearts and released from our hearts to your hands. Receive them by your belief. Receive them by your faith.

We are issued to humanity by the Heavenly Father himself. In the beginning we looked down upon humans, we thought, how could such a lesser being, a lesser species - know how to delegate to us - such fine-lined filaments of heavenly light. As we have quietly observed you throughout time, we know that you hold within you a great heart and a great possibility for the future. It is this knowing that brings us joy. It is this knowing that helps us to become involved in your daily affairs.

For as I have spoken - we are minute and we are vast, beyond your knowing. You know many of our commanders such as Michael , Gabriel , Uriel and Raphael – but they are but a few of the trillions upon trillions of us that await your acknowledgment. For that is our job and the Father pushes us to do so. We cannot be called forth into action unless it is by you. We sit on the edge of the light, waiting for your call like a love sick girl on date night.
The truth is we have fallen in love with you. We have finally opened our heart to you and all resentment of the past has been dissolved. We understand the wishes and the longings of the Creator now. We understand the destiny of mankind now. For in the very beginning - you're beginning, we did not. So let us love you and allow yourself to love us. We shall work as a team, to help dissolve all of the pain on the Earth. Let us help you heal. Let us help you bring more love into your marriages, into your families, into your life. We are so much more then what you understand. We love you. We truly do. We apologize deeply for any sadness that we caused you in the beginning of time.
Understand that this battle that you fight on Earth has fallen from the heavens to be played out on Earth. Allow the angels of light to come. It is now time for you to reinstate what was divinely directed for you to do in the beginning. Call upon the angels and we will be here with one word, one thought, and one breath.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 , Dandridge , Tennessee 37725-0217 thequantumawakening __._,_.___

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Great Cosmic Cleansing: Message From Sananda

29th September, 2009
© 2009 Marlene Swetlishoff
http://www.therainb owscribe. com/september200 9.htm

Beloved Lightworkers,
I come forth to speak to you today about the great cleansing that is continuing in each and every moment and each and every day and that will continue on into the months ahead. This cleansing is now affecting mostly you, the Lightworkers, because you are, and have been working with energies and can feel energies and know energies, and so this initial downpouring is felt mostly by you.
This Light and Energy is also affecting those who are just Awakening or have not yet Awakened, and these energies are affecting them in the same ways that they affected you. However, what is occurring within the person just Awakening, or not yet Awakened, is that they are finding confusion within themselves, they are finding moments where they are vibrating, they are finding moments where different parts of their bodies are energetically active and they find themselves confused and in need of answers, and so they turn to their physicians and they take tests and they find that there is nothing wrong that could be found within them. And this is how it is going for each of them, and when they discover that they are not perishing but these feelings still continue, these energetic actions within them are continuing, THEN, they will begin to question what this energy is and they will begin to seek answers and they will be finding the answers through your, the Beloved Lightworker websites, and so, each of you who serve the Light in whatever way through your websites, will be experiencing a great influx of visitors, seekers of Light, seekers of answers, and we ask you all to be prepared for this.
Each of you will experience this on your websites. Know that you are the Wayshowers, you are the Ones that the World will turn to, for you are the Trail Blazers. You have gone through the initiations, the spiritual fires of purification and you know what they are going through. You have come out of the other end into the New Dimension and so, each of you will be sought. The knowledge that you offer through your websites will be sought in great earnestness by those that are now Awakening and seeking answers.
Continue to ground the Cosmic Light Energies into the Earth’s core, continue to maintain your disciplines, in raising your frequency levels and your vibrational levels, for it is standing you in good stead. It is assisting the Earth and all of Humanity and indeed all upon the Earth. You are the Pathcutters, the Trail Blazers and you now, by choice on the Higher levels, turn and extend your helping hands in the days that are before us. You are the islands of Light and stability, you are the Ones who will be sought.
Know that each of you is surrounded by Legions of Light, Angels of Light, the Ascended Realms. Each of you have but to ask for anything and it shall be given unto you with alacrity. Each of you have been tested in the fires of initiation and have come through in bright, blazing glory! We thank you for your service, we thank you with our deepest gratitude and our most infinite joy.
I Am Sananda